Clojure-Control 0.3.0 is out

    xiaoxiao2024-03-29  15

    Clojure-control is a clojure DSL for system admin and deployment with many remote machines via ssh.           I am pleased to annoucment that clojure-control 0.3.0 is out.It adds some  powerful features in this release ,includes: ssh and scp both have a new option :sudo  to be executed as root on remote machines,for example: scp has a new  option :mode to change file modes copied from local:  A  new function "exists?" to test if a file exists on remote machines:   Call other task in deftask with "call" function: A new function "append" to append a line to a file on remote machines: A new function "sed" to replace lines in a file on remote machines,and comm/uncomm to comment/uncomment a line in a file:

    Equivalent to

       You can install the new version by :     lein plugin install control  0.3 .0            # For clojure 1.3     lein plugin install control  0.3 . 1             # For clojure 1.2     More information please visit it on github: 文章转自庄周梦蝶  ,原文发布时间 2012-02-18 相关资源:Clojure-in-Action-2nd-Edition.pdf