
    xiaoxiao2024-05-10  6



    我会使用SQLite DBI Perl驱动来连接到SQLite3。因此你需要在Linux中安装它(和SQLite3一起)。

    Debian、 Ubuntu 或者 Linux Mint

    $ sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libdbd-sqlite3-perl

    CentOS、 Fedora 或者 RHEL

    $ sudo yum install sqlite perl-DBD-SQLite


    #!/usr/bin/perlmy @drv = DBI->available_drivers();print join("\n", @drv), "\n";



    Perl SQLite 访问示例


    创建和连接SQLite数据库在SQLite数据库中创建新表在表中插入行在表中搜索和迭代行在表中更新行在表中删除行 use DBI;use strict;# 定义数据库名称和驱动my $driver = "SQLite";my $db_name = "xmodulo.db";my $dbd = "DBI:$driver:dbname=$db_name";# sqlite 没有用户名密码的概念my $username = "";my $password = "";# 创建并连接到数据库# 以下创建的文件名为 xmodulo.dbmy $dbh = DBI->connect($dbd, $username, $password, { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;print STDERR "Database opened successfully\n";# 创建表my $stmt = qq(CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS NETWORK (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, HOSTNAME TEXT NOT NULL, IPADDRESS INT NOT NULL, OS CHAR(50), CPULOAD REAL););my $ret = $dbh->do($stmt);if($ret < 0) { print STDERR $DBI::errstr;} else { print STDERR "Table created successfully\n";}# 插入三行到表中$stmt = qq(INSERT INTO NETWORK (HOSTNAME,IPADDRESS,OS,CPULOAD) VALUES ('xmodulo', 16843009, 'Ubuntu 14.10', 0.0));$ret = $dbh->do($stmt) or die $DBI::errstr;$stmt = qq(INSERT INTO NETWORK (HOSTNAME,IPADDRESS,OS,CPULOAD) VALUES ('bert', 16843010, 'CentOS 7', 0.0));$ret = $dbh->do($stmt) or die $DBI::errstr;$stmt = qq(INSERT INTO NETWORK (HOSTNAME,IPADDRESS,OS,CPULOAD) VALUES ('puppy', 16843011, 'Ubuntu 14.10', 0.0));$ret = $dbh->do($stmt) or die $DBI::errstr;# 在表中检索行$stmt = qq(SELECT id, hostname, os, cpuload from NETWORK;);my $obj = $dbh->prepare($stmt);$ret = $obj->execute() or die $DBI::errstr;if($ret < 0) { print STDERR $DBI::errstr;}while(my @row = $obj->fetchrow_array()) { print "ID: ". $row[0] . "\n"; print "HOSTNAME: ". $row[1] ."\n"; print "OS: ". $row[2] ."\n"; print "CPULOAD: ". $row[3] ."\n\n";}# 更新表中的某行$stmt = qq(UPDATE NETWORK set CPULOAD = 50 where OS='Ubuntu 14.10';);$ret = $dbh->do($stmt) or die $DBI::errstr;if( $ret < 0 ) { print STDERR $DBI::errstr;} else { print STDERR "A total of $ret rows updated\n";}# 从表中删除某行$stmt = qq(DELETE from NETWORK where ID=2;);$ret = $dbh->do($stmt) or die $DBI::errstr;if($ret < 0) { print STDERR $DBI::errstr;} else { print STDERR "A total of $ret rows deleted\n";}# 断开数据库连接$dbh->disconnect();print STDERR "Exit the database\n";


    Database opened successfullyTable created successfullyID: 1HOSTNAME: xmoduloOS: Ubuntu 14.10CPULOAD: 0ID: 2HOSTNAME: bertOS: CentOS 7CPULOAD: 0ID: 3HOSTNAME: puppyOS: Ubuntu 14.10CPULOAD: 0A total of 2 rows updatedA total of 1 rows deletedExit the database


    如果你尝试没有安装SQLite DBI驱动的情况下使用Perl访问SQLite的话,你会遇到下面的错误。你必须按开始说的安装DBI驱动。

    Can't locate DBI.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at ./script.pl line 3.BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./script.pl line 3.
    原文发布时间为:2015-07-06 本文来自云栖社区合作伙伴“Linux中国” 相关资源:sqlite3使用详解