
    xiaoxiao2022-06-30  127

    #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import requests import time import json import hashlib import base64 def main(): x_appid = 'xx' api_key = 'xx' url = 'http://api.xfyun.cn/v1/service/v1/image_identify/face_verification' x_time = str(int(time.time())) param = {'auto_rotate': True} param = json.dumps(param) x_param = base64.b64encode(param.encode('utf-8')) m2 = hashlib.md5() m2.update(str(api_key + x_time + str(x_param,'utf-8')).encode('utf-8')) x_checksum = m2.hexdigest() x_header = { 'X-Appid': x_appid, 'X-CurTime': x_time, 'X-CheckSum': x_checksum, 'X-Param': x_param, } with open(r'q.png', 'rb') as f: f1 = f.read() with open(r'w.png', 'rb') as f: f2 = f.read() f1_base64 = str(base64.b64encode(f1), 'utf-8') f2_base64 = str(base64.b64encode(f2), 'utf-8') data = { 'first_image': f1_base64, 'second_image': f2_base64, } req = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=x_header) result = str(req.content, 'utf-8')# 返回值为 json 串 result=json.loads(result) print('这两个人有'+str(result['data']*100)[:4]+'%的概率是同一人。') #data得分,值为 0~1,值越大表示是同一个人的可能性越大 return if __name__ == '__main__': main()
