
    xiaoxiao2023-10-22  32

    1 要求和区分






    2 重载代码演示

    #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> /*------------------------- // 重载 -------------------------*/ class Overload{ public: Overload(){}; ~Overload(){}; void displayNumType(int) { std::cout << " number is int " << std::endl; } void displayNumType(short) { std::cout << " number is short " << std::endl; } void displayNumType(double) { std::cout << " number is double " << std::endl; } void displayNumType(int, double) { std::cout << " number1 is int, number2 is double " << std::endl; } void displayNumType(double, int) { std::cout << " number1 is double, number2 is int " << std::endl; } void displayNumType(int) const { std::cout << " number is int and function is const " << std::endl; } }; int main(){ Overload r; int num1 = 5; short num2 = 5; double num3 = 5; r.displayNumType(num1); r.displayNumType(num2); r.displayNumType(num3); r.displayNumType(num1, num3); r.displayNumType(num3, num1); const Overload r1; r1.displayNumType(num1); return 0; } 结果显示: number is int number is short number is double number1 is int, number2 is double number1 is double, number2 is int number is int and function is const 请按任意键继续. . .


    3 覆盖代码演示

    #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> /*------------------------- // 覆盖 -------------------------*/ class A{ public: virtual void display() { std::cout << "This is Base" << std::endl; } }; class B : public A{ public: void display() { std::cout << "This is derived" << std::endl; } void display1() { std::cout << "This is derived" << std::endl; } }; int main(){ A *a = new B; B b; a->display(); //a->display1(); b.display(); b.display1(); } 结果显示: This is derived This is derived This is derived 请按任意键继续. . .

    至于为什么a->display1() 会出现错误?




    4 隐藏代码演示

    #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> /*------------------------- // 隐藏 -------------------------*/ class A{ public: void display() { std::cout << "This is Base" << std::endl; } }; class B : public A{ public: void display() { std::cout << "This is derived" << std::endl; } }; int main(){ A a; B b; a.display(); b.display(); return 0; } 结果显示: This is Base This is derived 请按任意键继续. . . 备注:如果将B中的display注释掉,结果显示为: This is Base This is derived

