
    xiaoxiao2024-10-17  4




    针对客户端安装,在cmd中执行命令: 前面加实际路径setup.exe -ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.client.validate.clientSupportedOSCheck=false"  针对服务端安装,在cmd中执行命令: 前面加实际路径setup.exe -ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.db.validate.supportedOSCheck=false"




    /*=======================以下需要以DBA的身份重新建立一个用户,以新用户去执行,================*/ /*==========否则触发器和存储过程是不会以DBA的角色创建=======================================*/

    drop table vcd_borrow_record cascade constraints;

    drop table vcd_borrow_type cascade constraints;

    drop table vcd_info cascade constraints;

    drop table vcd_sale_record cascade constraints;

    drop table vcd_type cascade constraints;

    /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: vcd_borrow_record                                   */ /*==============================================================*/ create table vcd_borrow_record  (    ID                   NUMBER(20)           default NULL not null,    vcd_id             NUMBER(20),    record_date        DATE,    ctype               INT                  default NULL,    vcdnum             INT,    constraint PK_VCD_BORROW_RECORD primary key (ID) );

    comment on table vcd_borrow_record is 'vcd借还记录表';

    comment on column vcd_borrow_record.ctype is '0:借;1还';

    /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: vcd_borrow_type                                     */ /*==============================================================*/ create table vcd_borrow_type  (    ID                   INT                  default NULL not null,    typename           varchar(50),    constraint PK_VCD_BORROW_TYPE primary key (ID) );

    comment on table vcd_borrow_type is 'vcd借还类型表';

    /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: vcd_info                                            */ /*==============================================================*/ create table vcd_info  (    ID                   NUMBER(20)           default NULL not null,    ctype               int,    vcdname            varchar(255),    price              DEC(12, 2),    saleprice          DEC(12, 2)           default NULL,    vcdnum             NUMBER(20),    constraint PK_VCD_INFO primary key (ID) );

    comment on table vcd_info is 'vcd信息表';

    /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: vcd_sale_record                                     */ /*==============================================================*/ create table vcd_sale_record  (    ID                   NUMBER(20)           default NULL not null,    vcd_id             NUMBER(20),    record_date        DATE,    salenum            INT,    saleprice          DEC(12, 2),    constraint PK_VCD_SALE_RECORD primary key (ID) );

    comment on table vcd_sale_record is 'vcd销售记录表';

    /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: vcd_type                                            */ /*==============================================================*/ create table vcd_type  (    ID                   INT                  default NULL not null,    typename           varchar(50),    constraint PK_VCD_TYPE primary key (ID) );

    comment on table vcd_type is 'vcd分类表';


    create sequence vcd_info_seq increment by 1  start with 1 nomaxvalue nominvalue nocache;

    create or replace trigger tr_vcd_info before insert on "vcd_info" for each row begin select vcd_info_seq.nextval into :new.id from dual; end;

    create sequence vcd_borrow_seq increment by 1  start with 1 nomaxvalue nominvalue nocache;

    create or replace trigger tr_vcd_borrow before insert on "vcd_borrow_record" for each row begin select vcd_borrow_seq.nextval into :new.id from dual; end;

    create sequence vcd_sale_seq increment by 1  start with 1 nomaxvalue nominvalue nocache;

    create or replace trigger tr_vcd_sale before insert on "vcd_sale_record" for each row begin select vcd_sale_seq.nextval into :new.id from dual; end;


    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER Trigger_borrow  BEFORE INSERT ON vcd_borrow_record   FOR EACH ROW  WHEN(NEW.ctype=0)  DECLARE v_temp INT; BEGIN   SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_temp FROM vcd_info WHERE id = :NEW.vcd_id;  if v_temp >0 then    update vcd_info set vcdnum=vcdnum-1 where id= :NEW.vcd_id;   else     raise_application_error(-20001,'error');   end if; END;

    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER Trigger_send BEFORE INSERT  ON vcd_borrow_record  FOR EACH ROW  WHEN(NEW.ctype=1)  DECLARE  v_temp INT; BEGIN       update vcd_info set vcdnum=vcdnum+1 where id= :NEW.vcd_id;


    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER Trigger_sale  BEFORE INSERT  ON vcd_sale_record  FOR EACH ROW  DECLARE v_temp INT; BEGIN   SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_temp FROM vcd_info WHERE id= :NEW.vcd_id;  if v_temp >0 then    update vcd_info set vcdnum=vcdnum-1 where id= :NEW.vcd_id; else raise_application_error(-20001,'error'); end if; END;


    create or replace procedure p_sale_num(vcd_id_in    in number, --某个VCD序号                                       dt_in_beg     in date, --开始日期                                       dt_in_end     in date, --结束日期                                       sale_o_num    out int --成功/销售数量                                       ) as i_count      int; --数 begin SELECT sum(salenum) INTO i_count FROM vcd_sale_record WHERE vcd_id= vcd_id_in and record_date between dt_in_beg and dt_in_end ; sale_o_num := i_count ; end;

    --借的统计数据 create or replace procedure p_borrow_num(vcd_id_in    in number, --某个VCD序号                                       dt_in_beg     in date, --开始日期                                       dt_in_end     in date, --结束日期                                       o_num    out int --数量                                       ) as i_count      int; --数 begin SELECT sum(vcdnum) INTO i_count FROM vcd_borrow_record WHERE vcd_id= vcd_id_in and ctype=0 and record_date between dt_in_beg and dt_in_end ; o_num := i_count ; end;

    --还的统计数据 create or replace procedure p_send_num(vcd_id_in    in number, --某个VCD序号                                       dt_in_beg     in date, --开始日期                                       dt_in_end     in date, --结束日期                                       o_num    out int --数量                                       ) as i_count      int; --数 begin SELECT sum(vcdnum) INTO i_count FROM vcd_borrow_record WHERE vcd_id= vcd_id_in and ctype=1 and record_date between dt_in_beg and dt_in_end ; o_num := i_count ; end;


    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_sum_vcd_as_type AS SELECT  vt.typename,sum(vi.vcdnum) as vcdtotal from vcd_info vi, vcd_type vt where vi.ctype=vt.id  group by vt.typename;      create or replace function f_total_by_type(f_type in number) return int as total_count int; begin select count(1) into  total_count  from vcd_info where ctype=f_type; return total_count; end;

    --f_type的值是:0或1 create or replace function f_total_borrow(f_type in number) return int as total_count int; begin select count(1) into  total_count  from vcd_borrow_record where ctype=f_type; return total_count; end;

    declare total_count int; begin total_count:=f_total_by_type(10); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('总数:'||total_count); end;

    --时间段内销售记录数 create or replace function f_total_sale(               dt_in_beg     in date, --开始日期               dt_in_end     in date --结束日期                   ) return int as total_count int; begin select count(1) into  total_count  FROM vcd_sale_record WHERE record_date between dt_in_beg and dt_in_end ; return total_count; end;

    --时间段内销售金额数 create or replace function f_total_sale_price(vcd_id_in    in number, --某个VCD序号               dt_in_beg     in date, --开始日期               dt_in_end     in date --结束日期                   ) return number as total_count number; begin select sum(salenum*saleprice) into  total_count  FROM vcd_sale_record WHERE vcd_id= vcd_id_in and record_date between dt_in_beg and dt_in_end ; return total_count; end;

    INSERT INTO vcd_type(id,typename) VALUES(1,'教学'); INSERT INTO vcd_type(id,typename) VALUES(2,'影视'); INSERT INTO vcd_type(id,typename) VALUES(3,'娱乐');

    INSERT INTO vcd_info(ctype,vcdname,price,saleprice,vcdnum) VALUES(1,'计算机教学',20,20,200); INSERT INTO vcd_info(ctype,vcdname,price,saleprice,vcdnum) VALUES(1,'数据结构教学',25,30,250); INSERT INTO vcd_info(ctype,vcdname,price,saleprice,vcdnum) VALUES(2,'魔游纪2:烈风峡谷',15,20,300);

    SELECT * FROM vcd_info

    create or replace procedure p_sale_pricenum(vcd_id_in    in number, --某个VCD序号                                       dt_in_beg     in date, --开始日期                                       dt_in_end     in date, --结束日期                                       sale_o_num    out number --成功/销售数量                                       ) as i_count      number; --数 begin SELECT sum(salenum*saleprice) INTO i_count FROM vcd_sale_record WHERE vcd_id= vcd_id_in and record_date between dt_in_beg and dt_in_end ; sale_o_num := i_count ; end;

    create or replace procedure p_sale_price(vcd_id_in    in number, --某个VCD序号                                       dt_in_beg     in date, --开始日期                                       dt_in_end     in date, --结束日期                                       sale_o_num    out number --成功/销售数量                                       ) as i_count      number; --数 begin SELECT sum(saleprice) INTO i_count FROM vcd_sale_record WHERE vcd_id= vcd_id_in and record_date between dt_in_beg and dt_in_end ; sale_o_num := i_count ; end;

    --时间段内销售金额数 create or replace function f_total_sale_price_num(vcd_id_in    in number, --某个VCD序号               dt_in_beg     in date, --开始日期               dt_in_end     in date --结束日期                   ) return number as total_count number; begin select sum(salenum) into  total_count  FROM vcd_sale_record WHERE vcd_id= vcd_id_in and record_date between dt_in_beg and dt_in_end ; return total_count; end;

    --f_type的值是:0或1 create or replace function f_total_borrow(f_type in number) return int as total_count int; begin select count(1) into  total_count  from vcd_borrow_record where ctype=f_type; return total_count; end;

    ---------------------------------------------- ---1--p_send_num declare    i_count  int; begin   p_send_num(1,to_date('2019-01-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('2019-02-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),i_count);   dbms_output.put_line('返回数据:' || i_count); end; --2--p_sale_pricenum declare    i_count  number; begin   p_sale_pricenum(1,to_date('2019-01-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('2019-02-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),i_count);   dbms_output.put_line('返回数据:' || i_count); end; --3--p_sale_price declare    i_count  number; begin   p_sale_price(1,to_date('2019-01-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('2019-02-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),i_count);   dbms_output.put_line('返回数据:' || i_count); end; --4--p_borrow_num declare    i_count  int; begin   p_borrow_num(1,to_date('2019-01-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('2019-02-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),i_count);   dbms_output.put_line('返回数据:' || i_count); end; --5--p_send_num declare    i_count  int; begin   p_send_num(1,to_date('2019-01-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('2019-02-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),i_count);   dbms_output.put_line('返回数据:' || i_count); end;

    --1--f_total_sale declare    i_count  int; begin   i_count :=f_total_sale(to_date('2019-01-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('2019-02-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'));   dbms_output.put_line('返回数据:' || i_count); end;

    --2--f_total_sale_price declare    i_count  number; begin   i_count :=f_total_sale_price(1,to_date('2019-01-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('2019-02-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'));   dbms_output.put_line('返回数据:' || i_count); end;

    --3--f_total_by_type declare    i_count  int; begin   i_count :=f_total_by_type(1);   dbms_output.put_line('返回数据:' || i_count); end;

    --4--f_total_sale_price_num declare    i_count  number; begin   i_count :=f_total_sale_price_num(1,to_date('2019-01-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('2019-02-16 14:22:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'));   dbms_output.put_line('返回数据:' || i_count); end;

    --5--f_total_borrow declare    i_count  int; begin   i_count :=f_total_borrow(1);   dbms_output.put_line('返回数据:' || i_count); end;  
