格雷码 Javapython c++C# 解法原理讲解

    xiaoxiao2025-01-17  7


    以下是2位序列(n = 2) 00 01 11 10 以下是3位序列(n = 3) 000 001 011 010 110 111 101 100 以下是4位序列(n = 4) 0000 0001 0011 0010 0110 0111 0101 0100 1100 1101 1111 1110 1010 1011 1001 1000

    可以使用以下步骤从(n-1)位格雷码列表生成n位格雷码。 1  令(n-1)位格雷码列表为L1。 创建另一个与L1相反的列表L2。 2  通过在L1的所有代码中加上前缀“0”来修改列表L1。 3  通过在L2的所有代码中加上前缀“1”来修改列表L2。 4  连接L1和L2。 连接列表是n位格雷码的必需列表。

    例如,以下是从2位格雷码列表中生成3位格雷码列表的步骤。  L1 = {00,01,11,10}(2位格雷码列表)  L2 = {10,11,01,00}(L1的反向)  用“0”前缀L1的所有条目,L1变为{000,001,011,010}  用“1”前缀L2的所有条目,L2变为{110,111,101,100}  连接L1和L2,得到{000,001,011,010,110,111,101,100}


    为了生成n位格雷码,我们从1位格雷码列表开始。 1位格雷码的列表是{0,1}。 我们重复上述步骤,从1位格雷码生成2位格雷码,然后从2位格雷码生成3位格雷码,直到位数等于n。 以下是这种方法的实施。 



    import java.util.*;

     class GfG {


    static void generateGrayarr( int n)


         // base case

         if (n <= 0 )

             return ;


         // 'arr' will store all generated codes

         ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList<String> ();



         arr.add( "0" );

         arr.add( "1" );


         // Every iteration of this loop generates 2*i codes from previously

         // generated i codes.

         int i, j;

         for (i = 2 ; i < ( 1 <<n); i = i<< 1 )



             for (j = i- 1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)




             for (j = 0 ; j < i ; j++)

                 arr.set(j, "0" + arr.get(j));



             for (j = i ; j < 2 *i ; j++)

                 arr.set(j, "1" + arr.get(j));



         // 输出

         for (i = 0 ; i < arr.size() ; i++ )




    // 测试

    public static void main(String[] args)


         generateGrayarr( 3 );





    void generateGrayarr( int n)



         if (n <= 0)

             return ;


         vector<string> arr;


         arr.push_back( "0" );

         arr.push_back( "1" );



         int i, j;

         for (i = 2; i < (1<<n); i = i<<1)



             for (j = i-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)



             for (j = 0 ; j < i ; j++)

                 arr[j] = "0" + arr[j];


             for (j = i ; j < 2*i ; j++)

                 arr[j] = "1" + arr[j];



         // 输出

         for (i = 0 ; i < arr.size() ; i++ )

             cout << arr[i] << endl;



    int main()



         return 0;





    def generateGrayarr(n):


         # base case

         if (n < = 0 ):



         # 'arr' will store all generated codes

         arr = list ()


         # start with one-bit pattern

         arr.append( "0" )

         arr.append( "1" )


         # Every iteration of this loop generates

         # 2*i codes from previously generated i codes.

         i = 2

         j = 0

         while ( True ):


             if i > = 1 << n:



             # Enter the prviously generated codes

             # again in arr[] in reverse order.

             # Nor arr[] has double number of codes.

             for range j (i - 1 , - 1 , - 1 ):



             # append 0 to the first half

             for range j (i):

                 arr[j] = "0" + arr[j]


             # append 1 to the second half

             for range j (i, 2 * i):

                 arr[j] = "1" + arr[j]

             i = i << 1


         # prcontents of arr[]

         for range i ( len (arr)):

             print (arr[i])


    # Driver Code

    generateGrayarr( 3 )




    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;


    // C# program to generate n-bit Gray codes

    public class GfG



    // This function generates all n bit Gray codes and prints the

    // generated codes

    public static void generateGrayarr( int n)


         // base case

         if (n <= 0)


             return ;



         // 'arr' will store all generated codes

         List< string > arr = new List< string > ();


         // start with one-bit pattern

         arr.Add( "0" );

         arr.Add( "1" );


         // Every iteration of this loop generates 2*i codes from previously

         // generated i codes.

         int i, j;

         for (i = 2; i < (1 << n); i = i << 1)


             // Enter the prviously generated codes again in arr[] in reverse

             // order. Nor arr[] has double number of codes.

             for (j = i - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)





             // append 0 to the first half

             for (j = 0 ; j < i ; j++)


                 arr[j] = "0" + arr[j];



             // append 1 to the second half

             for (j = i ; j < 2 * i ; j++)


                 arr[j] = "1" + arr[j];




         // print contents of arr[]

         for (i = 0 ; i < arr.Count ; i++)






    // Driver program to test above function

    public static void Main( string [] args)





