
    xiaoxiao2025-01-18  17

    开启yum的epel源,安装ansible yum -y install ansible 配置 # 添加被控端的IP vim /etc/ansible/hosts [all][1:4] # 实现主控端和被控端基于key的登录验证 ssh-keygen copy_id_main.sh


    copy_id.exp,这个脚本需要安装expect软件包 #!/usr/bin/expect set ip [lindex $argv 0] set timeout 10 spawn ssh-copy-id root@$ip expect { "yes/no" { send "yes\n";exp_continue } "password" { send "centos\n" } } expect eof copy_id_main.sh #!/bin/bash hosts=$(ansible all --list-hosts |egrep -o '([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+') for ip in $hosts;do copy_id.exp $ip done
    组织角色目录 mkdir /root/.ansible/roles cd /root/.ansible/rolse mkdir -pv nginx1142/{files,tasks,templates,handlers} 准备文件 cd files wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.14.2.tar.gz 编写任务 # 1. vim creat_installation_dirs.yaml - name: "create installation dirs" file: path=/app/{{ item }} state=directory with_items: - nginx - srcs - name: "etc dir" file: path=/etc/nginx/conf.d state=directory - name: "data dir" file: path=/data/nginx/html state=directory # 2. vim prepare_source_code.yaml - name: "copy and unpack source tar ball" unarchive: src=nginx.tar.gz dest=/app/srcs copy=yes - name: "rename source dir" shell: mv /app/srcs/nginx-1.14.2 /app/srcs/nginx # 3. vim install_dependecies.yaml - name: "install dependencies for building" yum: name={{ packages }} state=latest vars: packages: - pcre-devel - openssl-devel - zlib-devel # 4. vim create_user.yaml - name: "create user for nginx" user: name=nginx state=present system=yes shell=/sbin/nologin # 5. vim build.yaml - name: configure shell: ./configure --prefix=/app/nginx --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log --http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log --pid-path=/var/run/nginx.pid --lock-path=/var/run/nginx.lock --user=nginx --group=nginx --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_v2_module --with-http_dav_module --with-http_stub_status_module --with-threads --with-file-aio args: chdir: /app/srcs/nginx - name: "make" shell: make && make install args: chdir: /app/srcs/nginx # 6. vim copy_templates.yaml - name: "copy the main configure file" template: src=nginx.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf - name: "copy enviroment var" template: src=nginx.sh.j2 dest=/etc/profile.d/nginx.sh - name: "copy error page" template: src={{ item.src }} dest=/data/nginx/html/{{ item.dest }} with_items: - { src: 404.html.j2, dest: 404.html } - { src: 50x.html.j2, dest: 50x.html } # 7. vim read_nginx_variables - name: "source nginx.sh" shell: source /etc/profile.d/nginx.sh # 8. vim start_service.yaml - name: "start nginx" shell: nginx # 9. vim delete_source.yaml - name: "clean src dir" shell: /bin/rm -rf /app/srcs/nginx* # 10. vim main.yaml - include: delete_source.yaml - include: creat_installation_dirs.yaml - include: prepare_source_code.yaml - include: install_dependecies.yaml - include: create_user.yaml - include: build.yaml - include: copy_templates.yaml - include: read_nginx_variables.yaml - include: start_service.yaml - include: delete_source.yaml 调用角色 --- - hosts: all remote_user: root roles: - role: nginx1142 最后的目录 tree nginx1142/ nginx1142/ |-- files | `-- nginx.tar.gz |-- handlers |-- tasks | |-- build.yaml | |-- copy_templates.yaml | |-- creat_installation_dirs.yaml | |-- create_user.yaml | |-- delete_source.yaml | |-- install_dependecies.yaml | |-- main.yaml | |-- prepare_source_code.yaml | |-- read_nginx_variables.yaml | `-- start_service.yaml `-- templates |-- 404.html.j2 |-- 50x.html.j2 |-- nginx.conf.j2 `-- nginx.sh.j2
    检查 ansible-playbook -C ~/.ansible/install_nginx_from_source.yaml 运行 ansible-playbook ~/.ansible/install_nginx_from_source.yaml
    Ansible使用playbook自动化编译安装NginxCentOS 6.10源码编译及使用ansible编译安装httpd2.4.39