当root用户使用yum install -y python-pip 时会报如下错误:
No package python-pip available
Error:Nothing to do
yum -y install epel-release更新完成之后,就可安装pip:
yum -y install python-pip安装完成之后清除cache:
yum clean all这是在root用户时使用的命令
workon [虚拟环境名称] pip install -r plist.txt使用nginx的作用
负载均衡:多台服务器轮流处理请求反射代理:隐藏真实服务器 yum install nginx 配置编辑conf/nginx.conf文件
vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf 在server下添加新的location项,指向uwsgi的ip与端口 location / { include uwsgi_params;将所有的参数转到uwsgi下 uwsgi_pass uwsgi的ip与端口; } 命令 启动 systemctl start nginx 停止 systemctl stop nginx 重启 systemctl restart nginx当启动nginx时报错,
Starting nginx: [emerg]: bind() to IP failed (99: Cannot assign requested address)解决办法:
# allow processes to bind to the non-local address # (necessary for apache/nginx in Amazon EC2) net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind = 1服务启动成功但查看端口不存在
查看已开启端口 netstat -anp 关闭防火墙,并修改 查看防火墙状态 systemctl status firewalld 开启防火墙 systemctl start firewalld 关闭防火墙 systemctl stop firewalld添加端口 firewall-cmd --add-port= 端口 /tcp --permanent 重载入添加的端口: firewall-cmd --reload 查询指定端口是否开启成功: firewall-cmd --query-port= 端口 /tcp