Reference & Index

    xiaoxiao2022-07-02  118


    C/C++JavaPythonLaTeX```trackchange.sty``` Hypertext Markup Languageto set the style of text Cascading Style SheetsMarkdown


    reference: cppreference


    reference: Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 8



    The entry contains


    Original site(golobal) provides tuition and file for downloading.

    The following text is part of the original site and introduce the most basic usage of the macro.

    LaTeX Package Summary

    The trackchanges.stystyle file adds five new LaTeX \LaTeX LATEX comands commands:

    \note[editor]{The note} \annote[editor]{Text to annotate}{The note} \add[editor]{Text to add} \remove[editor]{Text to remove} \change[editor]{Text to remove}{Text to add}

    In all cases [editor]can be ommitted.

    All of the TrackChanges commands allow for the specification of an editor. Specifing an editor will prefix the edits with the editor name and color code their changes in the final pdfor dvifile.

    To specify an editor name, the editor must first be declared in the preamble:

    \addeditor{editor one} \addeditor{editor two}
    Display Options

    Track changes has a number of different ways that it can display the edits in the final dvior pdffile.

    finalold - Reject all edits. finalnew - Accept all edits. footnotes - Display edi ts as footnot es. margins - Display edi ts as margin notes. inline - Display edi ts inline.

    Hypertext Markup Language

    to set the style of text

    <style="font-size:12px"> The element property styleset the

    Cascading Style Sheets

