
    xiaoxiao2022-07-02  99


    class TreeNode: def __init__(self,x): self.val = x self.left = None self.right = None 前序和后续确定一棵二叉树前序遍历和非递归遍历中序的遍历和非递归遍历后续的遍历和非递归遍历层次遍历找两个节点的最近邻公共祖先树的镜像判断B是不是A的子树计算树的高度求节点双亲求节点的孩子节点求二叉树叶子节点个数判断两棵二叉树是否相同求先序遍历中的第k个节点判断树是否为平衡树 


    def create_Tree(pre,tin): if not pre or not tin: return None root = TreeNode(pre.pop(0)) index = tin.index(root.val) root.left = create_Tree(pre,tin[:index]) root.right = create_Tree(pre,tin[index+1:]) return root


    def Print_pre(root): if root: print(root.val) Print_pre(root.left) Print_pre(root.right)


    def Print_pre_no(root): stack = [] p = root while p or stack: if p: print(p.val, end=",") stack.append(p) p = p.left else: p = stack.pop() p = p.right


    def Print_mid(root): stack = [] p = root while p or stack: if p: stack.append(p) p = p.left else: p = stack.pop() print(p.val,end=",") p = p.right

    #5、非递归的后序遍历 后序遍历的结果是先序遍历中对左右子树互换位置得来的

    def Print_afer(root): stack = [] p = root result = [] while p or stack: if p: result.append(p.val) stack.append(p) p = p.right else: p = stack.pop() p = p.left print(result[::-1])


    def aft_Pre(root): if not root: return stack = [] node = root MarkNode = None while node or stack: while node: stack.append(node) node = node.left node = stack.pop() if not node.right or node.right is MarkNode: print(node.val,end = ",") MarkNode = node node = None else: stack.append(node) node = node.right


    def aft_print(root): stack1 = [] stack2 = [] node = root stack1.append(node) while stack1: node = stack1.pop() if node.left: stack1.append(node.left) if node.right: stack1.append(node.right) stack2.append(node) for i in stack2: print(i.val)




    def LatestParents(root,p,q): stack = [] stack1 = [] MarkNode = None node = root while node or stack: while node: stack.append(node) node = node.left node = stack.pop() if not node.right or node.right is MarkNode: if node.val == p.val: stack1 = stack[::-1] if node.val == q.val: stack = stack[::-1] for i in stack: for j in stack1: if i.val == j.val: return i.val return MarkNode = node node = None else: stack.append(node) node = node.right


    def Print_level(root): CurrentLineNode = [root] line = 0 while root and CurrentLineNode: NextLineNode = [] #everLineNodeVal = [] for node in CurrentLineNode: if node.left: NextLineNode.append(node.left) if node.right: NextLineNode.append(node.right) #everLineNodeVal.append(node.val) print("第%d行的节点"%(line)) for i in CurrentLineNode: print(i.val,end=",") print() #print(everLineNodeVal) line = line + 1 CurrentLineNode = NextLineNode #打印之字型 #使用三个列表,当前行的节点currentlineNode,下一行的节点nextLineNode,还有保存每一行节点val的 everLineNode,判断当前行的节点list是否为空,不空的话为下一行做准备,把当前行里的节点的非空左右孩子放在下一行的节点list中,同时保存上当前行的节点,遍历完当前行所有节点,更新当前行为下一行,继续上面操作 def Print(pRoot):         # write code here         result = []         line = 0         currentlineNode = [pRoot]         while pRoot and currentlineNode:             everLineNode = []             nextLineNode = []             for node in currentlineNode:                 if node.left:                     nextLineNode.append(node.left)                 if node.right:                     nextLineNode.append(node.right)                 everLineNode.append(node.val)             line = line + 1             if line % 2 == 0:                 result.append(everLineNode[::-1])             else:                 result.append(everLineNode)             currentlineNode = nextLineNode         return result



    #递归实现 def Mirror(root): if root: root.left,root.right = root.right,root.left Mirror(root.left) Mirror(root.right) #非递归实现 def Mirror(root): # write code here if not root: return stack = [root] while stack: node = stack.pop(0) if node.left or node.right: node.left,node.right = node.right,node.left if node.left: stack.append(node.left) if node.right: stack.append(node.right) return root



    def HassubTree(rootA,rootB): if not rootA or not rootB: return False return isSubTree(rootA,rootB) or HassubTree(rootA.left,rootB) or HassubTree(rootA.right,rootB) def isSubTree(root1,root2): if not root2: return True if not root1: return False if root1.val == root2.val: return isSubTree(root1.left,root2.left) and isSubTree(root1.right,root2.right) return False



    def After_pre(root): if not root: return 0 else: leftH = After_pre(root.left) rightH = After_pre(root.right) return max(leftH,rightH)+1


    def After_pre(root): if not root: return 0 else: leftH = After_pre(root.left) rightH = After_pre(root.right) return max(leftH,rightH)+1 def isAvarTree(root): if not root: return True if abs(After_pre(root.left) - After_pre(root.right)) > 1: return False else: return isAvarTree(root.left) and isAvarTree(root.right)


    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # class TreeNode: # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.left = None # self.right = None class Balance: def TreeHigh(self,root): if not root: return 0 else: leftH = self.TreeHigh(root.left) rightH = self.TreeHigh(root.right) return max(leftH,rightH)+1 def isBalance(self, root): # write code here if not root: return True if abs(self.TreeHigh(root.left) - self.TreeHigh(root.right)) > 1: return False else: return self.isBalance(root.left) and self.isBalance(root.right)

    #创建 树(二叉排序树、完全二叉树、平衡树)

    pre = [1,2,4,7,3,5,6,8] tin = [4,7,2,1,5,3,8,6] root = create_Tree(pre,tin) Print_pre(root)#前序遍历递归调用 Print_level(root)#层次遍历调用 Print_pre_no(root)#前序遍历的非递归调用 Print_mid(root)#中序遍历的非递归调用 Print_after(root)#后序遍历的非递归调用 Print_level(root)#层次遍历调用 root = Mirror(root)#树的镜像 Print_level(root)#层次遍历输出树的镜像 def duichen_binary(root): if not root: return False currentNode = [root] while currentNode: nextLineNode = [] valline = [] for i in currentNode: if i == ' ': valline.append(' ') continue if i.left: nextLineNode.append(i.left) else: nextLineNode.append(' ') if i.right: nextLineNode.append(i.right) else: nextLineNode.append(' ') valline.append(i.val) if len(valline)>1: a = 0 b = len(valline) - 1 while a < b: if valline[a] != valline[b]: return False else: a = a + 1 b = b - 1 currentNode = nextLineNode

