
    xiaoxiao2022-07-02  138

    import os import sqlite3 from win32crypt import CryptUnprotectData # chrome def get_cookie_from_chrome(hosts_list=None): cookiepath=os.environ['LOCALAPPDATA']+r"\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies" sql = "select host_key,name,encrypted_value from cookies " if hosts_list: sql_where = " where " for hosts in hosts_list: sql_where += " host_key = '{}' or ".format(hosts) sql_where = sql_where[: len(sql_where) - len(' or ')] sql += sql_where with sqlite3.connect(cookiepath) as conn: cu=conn.cursor() cookies_arr = [] for host_key, name, encrypted_value in cu.execute(sql).fetchall(): if name == 'miniDialog': continue cookies_arr.append('{}={}'.format(name, CryptUnprotectData(encrypted_value)[1].decode())) if cookies_arr: return '; '.join(cookies_arr) # firefox def get_firfox_cookie_path(): cookiepath_common = os.environ['APPDATA'] + r"\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles" folds_arr = os.listdir(cookiepath_common) folds_end = [os.path.splitext(file)[-1][1:] for file in folds_arr] if 'default-release' in folds_end: cookie_fold_index = folds_end.index('default-release') else: cookie_fold_index = folds_end.index('default') cookie_fold = folds_arr[cookie_fold_index] cookie_path = os.path.join(cookiepath_common, cookie_fold) return os.path.join(cookie_path, 'cookies.sqlite') def get_cookie_from_firfox(hosts_list=None): cookie_file = get_firfox_cookie_path() with sqlite3.connect(cookie_file) as conn: cur=conn.cursor() # sql = "select sql from sqlite_master where type = 'table';" sql = "select baseDomain, name, value from moz_cookies" # sql = "pragma table_info('moz_cookies');" if hosts_list: sql_where = " where " for hosts in hosts_list: sql_where += " baseDomain = '{}' or ".format(hosts) sql_where = sql_where[: len(sql_where) - len(' or ')] sql += sql_where cookie_arr = [] for baseDomain, name, value in cur.execute(sql).fetchall(): if name == 'miniDialog': continue cookie_arr.append('{}={}'.format(name, value)) if cookie_arr: return '; '.join(cookie_arr)