【英语学习】【WOTD】pungle 释义词源示例

    xiaoxiao2022-07-02  135


    Podcastpungle *v.* [PUNG-gul]DefinitionDid You Know?Examples


    pungle podcast

    pungle v. [PUNG-gul]



    1: to make a payment or contribution of (money) — usually used with up 1: 付(钱)或捐(钱) — 通常与up连用

    2: pay, contribute — usually used with up 2:付,捐 — 通常与up连用

    Did You Know?

    Pungle is from the Spanish word póngale, meaning “put it down,” which itself is from the verb poner, meaning “to put” or “to place,” and, more specifically, “to wager” or “to bet.” The earliest uses of pungle are from the mid-1800s and are in reference to anteing up in games of chance. It did not take long for the word to be used in other contexts. We find it, for example, in Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) when Huck’s father says: “I’ll make [Judge Thatcher] pungle, too, or I’ll know the reason why.” Nowadays, pungle is mainly used in the western part of the United States.

    词源词根演化:poner (“to put” or “to place”)—> póngale (Spanish “put it down”) —> pungle

    pungle来自于西班牙语póngale(意思是“放下”),这个西班牙单词有来自于动词poner,意思是“放”,“搁”,或者更准确的说是“押注”或“打赌”。pungle最早期的用法是在1800年代中期,用于表示“赌博游戏中下赌注的行为”。随后不久,这个词就开始用于其它的场合中了。例如,我们在马克吐温的小说《Adventures of Huckleberry Finn》(1884年)可以看到 Huck的父亲说:“我也会让[Thatcher法官]付钱,否则我会去了解原因。” 在现代,pungle主要用在美国西部地区。




    Residents have been pungling up to send their little league team to the national championship; donations can be made via credit card or PayPal on the town’s Sports and Recreation website.


    “In December 1849, Coffin formed Coffin & Co. and contracted with a New York builder for a … side-wheel steamer to ply the waters between Portland and San Francisco. When he and his partners failed to pungle up the final payment, however, the vessel was sold.” — John Terry, The Sunday Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 19 Aug. 2007

    在1849年12月,Coffin成立了Coffin &Co.公司,与一个纽约建筑商签了合同 … 使用侧轮蒸汽船在波特兰与三藩市之间往返供水。当他与他的伙伴最后无法付款时,不得不把这条船卖了。

