流利说 Level 2 全文

    xiaoxiao2022-07-02  101

    Level 2






    Letters & Numbers





    Letters & Numbers


















    Letters & Numbers





    Letters & Numbers































    Level 2




    This is the Jackson family.

    It’s a family of four.

    Bill and Halen are the parents. They have two children.

    Both of their children are girls.


    Lisa is the oldest of the girls.

    She’s 12 years old.

    Angela is the youngest.

    She’s 9.

    They also have a dog.

    Its name is Jumper.

    Its name is Jumper because he likes to jump.

    Jumper can jump rope.


    The Jackson family lives in Shanghai.

    They live in a large apartment building.

    Their apartment build has many apartments.

    Their apartment is on the fifth floor.

    They usually take the elevator to the fifth floor.

    Sometimes the elevator doesn’t work.

    Then they take the stairs.


    There are many trees outside their apartment building.

    There is also a small pond.

    Inside the pond are fish and frogs.

    Lisa and Angela like to feed the fish.


    There is also a family of ducks.

    There are two adult ducks and five baby ducks.

    Lisa and Angela like to watch the ducks.

    The baby ducks are getting bigger each day.


    A tall tree

    This tree is tall and green.

    A river

    This river is long.

    A pond

    Fish and frogs live in this pond.

    An ocean

    We can’t drink ocean water.

    A mountain

    Some mountains are very high.

    A forest

    A forest has many trees.


    A little dog

    This little dog is walking.

    A sleeping cat

    This cat is sleeping.

    Two birds in a tree

    These two birds are in a tree.

    A frog

    This frog lives in a pond. A family of ducks

    This is a family of ducks.


    A little dog

    This little dog is walking. A black and white cat This cat is sleeping.

    A bird

    Birds can fly.

    A frog

    This frog lives in a pond. Ducks

    This is a family of ducks.


    On the table

    The keys are on the table.

    Under the table

    There is white under the table.


    The boy is standing between the two girls.

    Next to

    The keys are next to the green book.


    The boy is standing inside the circle.


    The girl is standing outside the circle.


    Walk up

    He is walking up some stairs.

    Walk down

    She is walking down some stairs.

    Look out

    She is looking out the window.

    Go to 

    They are going to the door.

    Come from

    He is coming from the door.



    Hello, my name is Lisa Jackson.

    This is my family.

    My parents are both teachers.

    My sister and I are both students.

    We go to the same school.

    We also have a dog.

    Its name is Jumper.

    My sister and I really like Jumper.


    My parents are not Chinese.

    But we live in China.

    We live in Shanghai.

    I can speak Chinese fairly well, and so can my sister.

    We like living in China.

    I like the people here.


    Do you have any questions?

    First question, how do you spell your family name?

    My family name is Jackson, J-a-c-k-s-o-n.

    Thanks, how old are you?

    I’m 12 years old.

    Do you like your school?

    Yes, I do, it’s a good school.

    What time do you and your sister go to school?

    We go to school at 8:00.

    What time do you come home from school?

    We come home around 4:00.

    What language do you speak at home?

    We speak English at home.

    Thank you, Lisa.


    Hi, I’m Lisa’s father, Bill.

    This is my wife, Helen.

    Yes, Bill is my husband and we have two daughters.

    Lisa is our oldest daughter.

    She’s 12.

    Angela is our youngest daughter.

    She’s 9.


    My husband and I are both teachers.

    I teach children and he teaches university students.

    Yes, we both teach English.

    He teaches in the afternoon and evening.

    And she teaches in the morning and afternoon.

    Do you have any questions?

    Can you both speak Chinese?

    Yes, a little, but it isn’t very good.

    Our two daughters speak Chinese fairly well.

    Do you both take Chinese classes?

    Yes, but we don’t go to a school.

    We study online.

    I study a little bit every day.

    Thank you.

    You’re welcome.

    Letters & Numbers

    There are seven days in a week.

    Monday is the first day of the week.

    Sunday is the last day of the week.

    Tuesday is the second day of the week.

    Wednesday is the third day of the week.


    Thursday is the fourth day of the week.

    Friday is the fifth day of the week.

    Saturday is the first day of weekend.

    Sunday is the seventh day of the week.

    The weekend days are Saturday and Sunday.


    One minute is sixty seconds.

    Ninety seconds is a minute and a half.

    Thirty minutes is half an hour.

    Fifteen minutes is a quarter of an hour.

    Forty-five minutes is three quarters of an hour.

    Sixty minutes is an hour.

    Ninety minutes is an hour and a half.

    Six fifteen is a quarter after six.

    Six thirty is half past six.

    Six forty-five is a quarter to seven.



    The Jackson’s apartment is fairly large.

    It has two bedrooms and two bathrooms.

    There is also a large living room.

    There is a piano in the living room.


    -What's in the living room? -There is a piano in the living room.

    -Where do they sleep? -They sleeps in their bedrooms.

    -How many bedrooms does their apartment have? -It has two bedrooms.

    They have a large living room.


    Their mother, Helen, can play the piano.

    She can play fairly well.

    Their father, Bill, likes to sing.

    But he doesn’t sing very well.


    -Who likes to sing? –Bill likes to sing.

    -Who can play the piano? –Helen can play the piano.

    -What does their father like to do? - Bill likes to sing.


    Lisa loves music.

    She plays the violin.

    She practices every day.

    With practice, she can play better.


    -What does Lisa love? - Lisa loves music.

    -What does she do every day? - She practices the violin every day.


    Lisa’s parents both have jobs.

    They are English teachers.

    Her mother teaches English to children.

    Her father teaches English to adults.

    They both teach at schools.

    They don’t teach at the same school.

    Helen teaches at a primary school.

    Her students are between 7 and 9 years old.

    Bill teaches in a small university.

    His students are at least 18 years old.


    -What do they teach? –They teach English.

    -Where does Bill teach? -Bill teaches at a university.

    -How old are Bill’s students? –His students are at least 18 years old.


    A bedroom

    People sleep in a bedroom.

    A bathroom

    People take baths in a bathroom.

    A living room

    People watch television in a living room.

    A kitchen

    People cook food in a kitchen.

    A dining room

    People eat food in a dining room.


    -In which room do people sleep? -People sleep in a bedroom.

    -Where do people watch television? -People watch television in a living room.

    -Where do people cook food? -People cook food in a kitchen.

    -What do people do in a dining room? -People eat food in a dining room.


    This side

    The boy is on this side of the table.

    The other side

    The girl is on the other side of the table.

    The same side

    They are on the same side of the street.

    The opposite side

    They are on opposite sides of the street.

    Next to

    They are standing next to each other.

    Across from

    They are sitting across from each other.


    -Who is on the other side of the table? -The girl is on the other side of the table.

    -Who is on this side of the table? -The boy is on this side of the table.


    Buy it

    She’s buying a dress.

    Sell it.

    This shop sells flowers.

    Pay someone

    Pay the taxi driver.

    Give it.

    Give money to someone.

    Steal it

    He is stealing her phone.


    -What does the shop sell? -This shop sells flowers.

    This man wants to steal her phone. Give money to the street musician.


    Lisa: Good morning, Tom. How are you today?

    Tom: Good morning, Lisa. I’m fine. I like this sunny weather.

    Lisa: Me too, what’s your first class today?

    Tom: My first class is math.

    Lisa: Do you like math?

    Tom: Yes, I do. What about you?

    Lisa: No, I don’t. I’m not very good at math.


    -What isn’t Lisa good at? –She isn’t good at math.


    Tom: What are you good at?

    Lisa: I’m good at languages.

    Tom: Do you read a lot?

    Lisa: Yes, I do. I love to read.

    Tom: Anything else?

    Lisa: No really. What about you? What are you good at?

    Tom: I can play basketball, I really like it.

    Lisa: You are tall, so that’s good, right?

    Tom: Yes, I’m tall, but I’m not so fast.


    -What is Lisa good at? –She is good at languages.

    -What is Tom good at? –He can play basketball fairly well.

    -Why is Tom good at basketball? –He is tall and fast.


    Tom: Do you like sports?

    Lisa: Not so much.

    Tom: What do you like?

    Lisa: I love music. I play the violin.

    Tom: Are you good at it?

    Lisa: No, not yet. But I practice every day. I’m getting better.

    Tom: Great.

    Lisa: OK, see you later, Tom.

    Tom: Bye, Lisa.


    -What can Lisa play? –She can play the violin.

    -How well can Lisa play the violin? –She doesn’t play it very well, but she is getting better.


    Lisa: Hi, Tom.

    Tom: Hi, Lisa.

    Lisa: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

    Tom: No, I don’t. I don’t have any brothers or sisters.

    Lisa: Do you have a pet?

    Tom: A pet? Do you mean a dog or cat?

    Lisa: Yes, we have a dog.

    Tom: we have a cat.

    Lisa: Oh, I like cats, but my mum doesn’t.


    -Who doesn’t have any brothers or sisters? –He doesn’t have any brothers or sisters.

    -What kind of pet does Lisa have? –She has a dog.

    -Who doesn’t like cats? –Lisa’s mother doesn’t like cats.


    Lisa: What’s your cat’s name?

    Tom: Its name is Mimi.

    Lisa: Oh, it’s a girl cat.

    Tom: Yes, that’s right.

    Lisa: What does Mimi like to do?

    Tom: She likes to sleep, she sleeps a lot.


    -What does Mimi like to do? –She likes to sleep.

    -How much does Mimi sleep? –She sleeps a lot.


    Lisa: Do you have a picture of it?

    Tom: Yes, I have a picture on my phone.

    Lisa: Wow, she is a beautiful cat.

    Tom: Thanks, I think so too.


    -What do they think of Mimi? –She is a beautiful cat.

    Letters & Numbers

    There are seven days in a week.

    There are 24 hours in a day.

    If today is Monday, yesterday was Sunday.

    If today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday.

    If today is Thursday, the day before yesterday was Tuesday.


    -If today is Friday, what is the day after tomorrow? –The day after tomorrow is Sunday.

    -How many hours are there in a day? -There are 24 hours in a day.

    -How many days are there in a week? -There are seven days in a week.


    If today is Thursday, the day after tomorrow is Saturday.

    If today is Friday, the weekend begins tomorrow.

    If today is Saturday, Thursday was 2 days ago.

    If today is Friday, Sunday is the day after tomorrow.

    If today is Friday, next Monday is 3 days from now.


    -If today is Saturday, how many days ago was Wednesday? -If today is Saturday, Wednesday was 3 days ago.

    -What’s day of the week begins with the letter F? –Friday.

    -If today is Friday, what was the day before yesterday? -The day before yesterday was Wednesday.

    -What’s day of the week begins with the letter W? –Wednesday. If today is Wednesday, the weekend begins in two days’ time.


    There are 12 months in a year.

    January is the first month of the year.

    February is the second month of the year.

    March is the third month of the year.

    April comes after March and before May.

    May is the fifth month of the year.

    June is the sixth month of the year.


    -Which month comes after May? –June is the sixth month of the year.

    -What month of the year is March? -March is the third month of the year.

    -What month comes after March and before May? -April is between March and May.

    -Which month is the fifth month of the year? -May is the fifth month of the year.


    July comes after June.

    August and September are the eighth and ninth of the year.

    October comes after September and before November.

    November is the 11th month.

    December is the last month of the year.


    -What is the last month of the year? -December is the last month of the year.

    -What month comes between June and August? –July is between June and August.

    -Which month comes before December? –November comes before December.




    The Jackson family lives in this apartment building.

    Their apartment is on the fifth (5th) floor.

    Behind the building is a pond and some trees.

    In front of the building is a street.

    If you look on the map, it’s this street: the first (1st) Avenue.

    First (1st) Avenue goes north south.


    -What is behind their apartment building? –a pond.

    -In what direction does the street go? –it goes north south.


    Their building is on the west side of the street.

    Across the street is a small shopping center.

    It’s on the east side of the street.

    You can buy food there, such as meat and vegetables.

    You can also buy clothes and toys for kids.

    There are many small shops in the shopping center.


    -What are in the shopping center? –many small shops.

    -What is on the west side of the street? –Jacksons’ apartment.

    -Where can you buy food? -You can buy food at the shopping center.


    On the east side of the street there is a subway entrance.

    It’s about 20 meters north of the shopping center.

    Lisa and her sister take the subway to school.

    Their parents also take the subway.

    They take the subway to work.

    They don’t own a car.

    A car is too expensive.

    They don’t have enough money for a car.


    -Where is the subway station from the shopping center? –It’s 20 meters north.

    -How far is the subway station from the shopping center? -20 meters.

    -Why don’t they own a car? -They don’t have enough money.


    A crosswalk.

    These people are walking in a crosswalk.

    A corner.

    He is standing on a corner.

    A traffic light.

    This is a red traffic light.

    People walk on a sidewalk.

    A street.

    We drive cars on a street.


    These are public restrooms.


    -Where can people go to the toilet? –You can go to the toilet in a restroom.

    -Where do people drive cars? –We drive cars on a street.

    Cars must stop at a red traffic light.


    Here are some kinds of food.


    Oranges and apples are both fruit.


    Corn and carrots are vegetables.


    Chicken is an example of meat.

    Rice and potatoes

    Rice is popular in Asia and potatoes are popular in Europe.


    Ice cream and cakes are examples of desserts.


    -What’s an example of meat? -Chicken is an example of meat.

    -What are corn and carrots? -Corn and carrots are vegetables.

    -What are oranges and apples? -Oranges and apples are both fruit.

    Many desserts are very sweet.


    Here are some things to wear.


    This is a pair of red pants.

    A dress.

    Women and girls wear dresses.

    A shirt. (normal)

    This is a purple shirt.

    A blouse. (usually for women) This is a pink blouse.


    These are men’s shoes.


    M: Do you want to have lunch?

    W: Yes, I do, where do you want to meet?

    M: Let’s meet in front of the subway.

    W: Which entrance?

    M: Let’s meet at the south entrance. It’s on 1st Avenue.

    W: Where on 1st Avenue?

    M: It’s about 50 meters north of the shopping center.


    -Where does the man want to meet? –in front of the subway.

    -Where is the south entrance? –It’s about 50 meters north of the shopping center.


    W: OK, what time do you want to meet?

    M: Let’s meet at 12:30, OK?

    W: How about 12:45?

    M: OK, 12:45 is good.


    -What time do they want to meet? -12:45.


    W: What do you want to eat?

    M: I don’t know, what kind of food do you like?

    W: How about pizza?

    M: Sure, there’s a good pizza restaurant in the shopping center.

    W: OK, let’s go there for lunch.

    M: Great, see you at 12:45.

    W: Bye-bye.


    -What kind of food does the woman like? –pizza.


    Dan: Excuse me, which way is the subway from here?

    M: There are two subway stops near here, which line do you want?

    Dan: I want line 10.

    M: Go south on 1st Avenue, it’s about 200 meters from here.

    The subway entrance is on the east side of the street.


     -Which line does Dan want? –line 10.


    Dan: Which side are we on now?

    M: we are on the west side.

    Dan: So 200 meters south, then cross the street, right?

    M: Yes, that’s right.

    Dan: Thanks a lot.

    M: You’re welcome.


    -Which side of street are they on? –the west side.

    -How does he get to line 10 from there? –Go 200 meters south, then cross the street.



    The Jacksons live in a nice apartment.

    It’s in a nice building.

    It’s also expensive.

    The apartment isn’t theirs.

    They don’t own it.

    Another person owns it.

    That person is the owner of the apartment.

    The Jacksons rent it from the owner.

    That means they pay money to the owner.


    -Who rents an apartment? –the Jacksons.

    -Who owns their apartment? –another person.

    -To whom do they pay rent? –the owner.


    The Jackson pay rent every month.

    Their rent is about 30% of their income.

    Fortunately, they both have jobs.

    They have two incomes.

    Together, their incomes are enough to live.

    But they don’t have enough money for a car.


    -What do they pay every month? –rent.

    -How much of their income is for rent? -30%

    -Why don’t they own a car? –They don’t have enough money.


    The Jacksons have many expenses.

    The largest expense is the rent.

    It’s about 30% of their income.

    The second largest expense is for their children’s education.

    Their schools are not free.

    They pay for their kids to go to school.

    Their other expenses include food and clothes.

    They also save some money every month.

    They save about 10% of their income.

    They put this money in the bank.


    -How much do they pay for rent? -30% of the income.

    -What is their largest expense? –their rent.

    - What is their second largest expense? –their children’s education.


    A bus stop.

    People get on a bus at a bus stop.

    A train station.

    People get on a train at a train station.

    A taxi stand.

    People wait for a taxi at a taxi stand.

    A subway entrance.

    A subway stop has several entrances.

    An airport.

    Airplanes take off and land at an airport.


    People go to an airport to catch their plane.



    We use our eyes to see things.


    Our ears are on the left and right side of our head.

    A nose.

    Our nose is below our eyes and above our mouth.

    A mouth.

    Our mouth is below our nose.


    We use our hands to pick up things.

    A brain.

    Our brain is inside our head.


    -What do we see with? –We use our eyes to see. –We see with our eyes. -What do we hear with? –We use our ears to hear. –We hear with our ears.

    -What do we think with? –We use our brain to think. –We think with our brains.


    It’s morning.

    People get up in the morning and the day begins.

    It’s afternoon.

    People eat lunch in the afternoon.

    It’s evening.

    People eat dinner in the evening.

    It’s night.

    At night people go to bed.

    It’s daytime.

    It’s light during the day because the sun is up.

    It’s nighttime.

    It’s dark at night because the sun is down.


    It’s dark at night because the sun is down.

    Our day begins in the morning and ends at night.



    Sale assistant: Good afternoon, may I help you?

    Customer: Yes, I’m looking for a summer dress.

    Sale assistant: Do you want a long dress or a short dress?

    Customer: I want something short but not too short.

    Sale assistant: What about color? Do you have a favorite color?

    Customer: I like blue. Do you have a blue dress?

    Sale assistant: Yes, we have several dresses.

    Customer: May I see them?

    Sale assistant: Sure, please come with me.


    -How many blue dresses does the shop have? –several.

    -What kind of summer dress is she looking for? –a short blue dress.


    Sale assistant: Here are two short blue dresses.

    Customer: I like this one. How much is it?

    Sale assistant: It’s usually 100 dollars, but it’s on sale today.

    Customer: So how much is it today?

    Sale assistant: I can give you a 20% discount.

    Customer: So that’s 80 dollars, right?

    Sale assistant: Yes, do you want to try it on?

    Customer: Yes, where can I put it on?

    Sale assistant: There is a dressing room over there.


    -How much does it cost today? –It costs $80.

    -How much is the discount? –It’s a 20% discount.

    Her favorite color is blue.


    Sale assistant: How does it fit?

    Customer: It fits well.

    Sale assistant: You look beautiful.

    Customer: Thanks, but it’s still too expensive. Can you give me a lower price?

    Sale assistant: Sorry, I’m afraid not. That is the lowest price I can give you.


    -How does she look in the dress? –Beautiful.

    -What is the lowest price? -$80.


    Customer: How about the other dress?

    Sale assistant: it’s a little more expensive, it’s 120 dollars.

    Customer: Is it on sale?

    Sale assistant No, I’m afraid not.

    Customer: Well, I really like this dress.

    Sale assistant: OK, 80 dollars is a good price for it.

    Customer: OK, I’ll buy it.


    -How much is the other dress? -$120.

    -Why does she want to buy the dress? –She really likes it.


    Sale assistant: Can you pay with cash?

    Customer: No, I want to use my credit card.

    Sale assistant: Sure, no problem, we take all credit cards.

    Customer: Great.


    -Why doesn’t the woman want to use cash? –She wants to use a credit card.




    This is Ben Harris.

    He and his family live in Toronto, Canada.

    Ben has an old brother, Jeff.

    Jeff is 15 years old.

    Ben also has a younger sister, Maggie.

    She is 8 years old.


    Maggie is younger than Ben.


    This is Ben’s father Paul.

    Paul owns his own business.

    They are Italian restaurants.

    His business is good.

    His business is very good.

    So he earns a lot of money.

    They leave in a very large house.

    It’s an expensive house.

    They have 2 cars.

    Both cars are expensive cars.


    Ben’s mother, Kathy, doesn’t have a job.

    She takes care of their home.

    She also takes care of their garden. Their garden is behind their house.

    She grows flowers and vegetables.

    She is also an excellent cook.

    She can cook many different kinds of food.

    She can cook Italian and French food.

    She can also cook Indian food.


    Ben likes sports.

    He wants to be a hockey player.

    He doesn’t like school but he wants a sports scholarship.

    So he studies hard and exercises every day.

    Jeff doesn’t like sports.

    He wants to be a doctor.

    He wants to go to a great university.

    Maggie wants to be an actress.

    She takes dance lessons.

    She also likes to sing.

    She wants to be a famous movie star.


    It’s windy today.

    The wind is blowing.

    It’s raining.

    It is raining, so take an umbrella.

    It’s cloudy weather.

    It’s cloudy so we can’t see the sun.

    It’s cold today.

    It’s cold so wear a coat.


    It’s smoggy so wear a mask.


    Cross a street.

    They are crossing a street.

    Look at something.

    He is looking at a clock.

    Walk through.

    He is walking through the door way.

    Run around.

    They are running around a track.

    Go into.

    He is going into a room.

    Come out.

    She is coming out of a room.


    Sitting on a bench.

    She’s sitting on a bench.

    Standing in an elevator.

    He is standing in an elevator.

    Pushing the door open.

    She is pushing the door open.

    Pulling the door open.

    She is pulling the door open.

    Sitting at a table.

    He is sitting at a table.


    W: Would you like to have breakfast together?

    M: Sure, let’s have breakfast together. Do you know a good place?

    W: Yes, there’s a nice coffee shop in the shopping center.


    M: Which shopping center?

    W: The shopping center on First Avenue. It’s near the subway stop.

    M: Oh, I know that one. There’s a Starbucks there too.

    W: Yes, there is. But I like the other shop. There are too many people at Starbucks.

    M: OK, can we get a good breakfast there?

    W: I think so and it’s not expensive.


    W: What do you like for breakfast?

    M: I like eggs for breakfast.

    W: Me too. They have eggs with potatoes and toast.

    M: Great. I like potatoes with my eggs.


    He likes potatoes with his eggs.


    W: Do you drink coffee with your breakfast?

    M: Yes, I usually have coffee with my breakfast. What about you?

    W: No, I don’t have coffee. I usually have tea.


    W: Is there anything else you like?

    M: Yes, there is. I usually have fruit juice, like orange juice. How about you?

    W: Me too.

    M: OK. Let’s go. Let’s take the subway.


    W: Hey, wait a minute, I don’t have my subway card.

    M: Where is it?

    W: It’s in my apartment, in my coat. I’ll be right back.

    M: Great, I’m getting hungry.


    She doesn’t have her subway card.




    Dan is a pilot.

    He works for Global Airlines.

    Global Airlines is an airline company.

    Dan flies airplanes all over the world.

    He’s tall and he has brown hair.

    He often wears sunglasses.


    Lisa is a student.

    She has black hair.

    She has a round face.

    She’s wearing a yellow dress.


    Kathy lives in Canada.

    She has three children.

    Her husband is Paul.

    She has brown hair and blue eyes.


    -To whom is Kathy married? –She’s married with Paul.


    This man is 65 years old.

    He has three grandchildren.

    He has grey hair.

    He also has a grey beard.

    He always wears glasses.

    He wears glasses because he can’t see very well.


    This is Lisa’s class schedule for today.

    She gets to school at 7:55.

    Her first class starts at 8:00.

    It’s her math class.

    It lasts for 50 minutes.

    It finishes at 8:50.

    She has a 10-minute break from 8:50 until 9:00.


    -When does her school begin? –at 7:55.


    Her second class starts at 9:00.

    It finishes at 9:50.

    Then she has another 10-minute break.

    Her third and fourth go until 11:50.

    She and her classmates have lunch at 12:00.

    They eat in a cafeteria.


    Her morning classes go until 11:50.


    After lunch she has her first afternoon class.

    It starts at 1:00 and finishes at 1:50.

    Today it’s her science class.


    Her last class starts at 2:00 and finishes at 2:50.

    After school she walk to the subway.

    She gets home around 3:45. 


    Her afternoon classes begin right after lunch.



    The girl is standing behind the boy.

    The boy is standing in front of the girl.

    This boy is standing behind the chair, near the door.

    Two women are standing next to each other.

    They are talking to each other.

    They are facing each other across a table.

    They are sitting at a table near a window.

    The boy is facing the stairs.

    The girl is facing away from the stairs.


    A mechanic.

    A mechanic fixes cars.

    Doctors and nurses.

    Doctors and nurses help sick people.

    A dentist.

    A dentist cleans and fixes teeth.

    A sell’s person.

    A sell’s person sells things in a store.

    A bank teller.

    A bank teller works in a bank.

    A waiter.

    A waiter works in a restaurant.


    A bank.

    You can get money at a bank.

    A hospital.

    Sick people go to a hospital.

    There are many doctors and nurses in the hospital.

    An office building.

    There are many office workers in an office building.

    There are many offices in an office building.

    An office.

    Office workers usually work in an office.

    A hotel.

    Many people stay in a hotel.

    You can get a room in a hotel.


    M: Excuse me, is there a bank around here?

    W: Yes, there is. There is one in the shopping center.

    M: Which way is the shopping center?

    W: Go to the end street and turn left. From there it’s about 50 meters.


    M: When does the bank close?

    W: I think it closes at 6:00.

    M: Oh, it’s almost 6 now.

    W: It’s 5:45, so you still have 15 minutes. If you walk fast, you can get there.

    The bank is next to a clothing store.


    M: Thanks for your help.

    W: You’re welcome, good luck.


    W: Do you know what time it is?

    M: Sure, it’s 10:45. Why?

    W: I don’t see Steven has office. He’s usually here by 9:30. Do you know where he is?

    M: Yes, I do. He’s in a taxi. He is on his way to the airport.


    W: Why is he going to the airport?

    M: He’s going to meet a friend.

    W: That’s nice. Do you know who it is?

    M: Yes, I do, but it’s a secret.


    W: A secret?

    M: Yes, so don’t tell anyone.

    W: I won’t. Who is it?

    M: Sorry, I can’t tell you.

    W: Is it a man, or a woman?

    M: Sorry, I can’t tell you anything. Steven doesn’t want anyone to know she’s here.

    W: I see.

    Letters & Numbers

    Zero point one equals one tenth. 0.1 = 1 / 10.

    Zero point two equals two tenth. 0.2 = 2 / 10.

    Zero point two five equals one forth. 0.25 = 1 / 4.

    Zero point five equals one half. 0.5 = 1 / 2.

    Zero point seven five equals three forth. 0.75 = 3 / 4.

    Zero point zero one equals one hundredth. 0.01 = 1 / 100.

    One point five equals one and a half. 1.5 = 1 + 1/2.

    Zero point zero zero one equals one one thousandth. 0.001 = 1 / 1000.

    One point two five equals one and a quater. 1.25 = 1 + 1/4.

    Zero point nine equals nine tenth. 0.9 = 9 / 10.


    One hundred. 100.

    One thousand. 1000.

    Ten thousand. 10000.

    One hundred thousand. 100000

    One million. 1000000

    Three thousand five hundred. 3500.

    Three hundred fifty thousand. 350000

    Four hundred fifty seven thousand one hundred. 457100.

    Four million one hundred thousand and ten. 4100010.

    One billion. 1000000000.



    This is Lisa’s daily schedule.

    She goes to school five days a week.

    She gets up at 6:30.

    She gets dressed between 6:30 and 6:40.


    -When does she get up? –She gets up at 6:30.


    At 6:45 she eats breakfast.

    After breakfast she brushes her teeth.

    She leaves for school at 7:00.


    -When does she eat breakfast? –at 6:45.

    -What does she do after she eats breakfast? –She brushes her teeth.


    It takes between 40 and 50 minutes to go to school.

    Sometimes she takes the subway.

    Sometimes she takes the bus.

    She usually gets to school around 7:45.

    Her first class begins at 8:00.


    -When does she usually get to school? –around 7:45.

    -How long does it take her to go school? It takes between 40 and 50 minutes.


    At 12:00 she has lunch with her friends.

    After lunch she has classes until 2:50.

    She leaves school around 3:00.


    -What does she do at 12:00? –She has lunch.

    -When do her classes end? –She has classes until 2:50.


    After school she goes home.

    She usually gets home around 3:45.

    When she gets home she cleans her room.


    -What does she do after school? –She goes home.

    -What does she do when she gets home? –She cleans her room.


    Then at 4:00 she sits down at the piano and begins to practice.

    She usually practices for about 45 minutes until around 4:45.

    But sometimes she practices for an hour.

    After practicing she does some homework.

    She does homework until dinner time, which is at 6:00.


    -When does she begin to practice the piano? –at 4:00.

    -How long does she usually practice? –for about 45 minutes.

    -What does she do before dinner? –She does homework until dinner time.


    After dinner she washes the dishes.

    Then she goes to her room and starts doing her homework.

    From 7:00 until around 9:00 she does her homework.

    She also talks with her friends on the phone.

    Sometimes they work on their homework together.


    -What does she and her friends do together? –work on their homework.

    -What does she do from 7:00 until around 9:00? –does her homework.


    Sometimes she has a lot of homework.

    On those nights she does homework until 9:30 or later.

    After finishing her homework she likes to read.

    Lisa loves to read good books in bed.

    She usually reads until around 10:30.


    -Why does she do homework until 9:30 or later? –She has lots of homework.

    -Until when does she usually read? –around 10:30.


    She usually goes to bed between 10:00 and 10:45.

    Sometimes she goes to sleep right away.

    Sometimes she can’t sleep, so she listens to some piano music.

    She’s usually sleeping by 11:00.


    -When does she usually go to bed? –between 10:00 and 10:45.

    -What does she do when she can’t sleep? –She listens to some piano music.

    What is she usually doing by 11:00?


    A bus driver

    A bus driver drives a bus. A fisherman

    A fisherman catches fish.


    Policemen catch people who drive too fast.

    A farmer

    A farmer grows food such as rice and tomatoes.

    A thief

    A thief steals things such as purses and wallet.

    Business people

    Business people often work in office buildings.


    A coffee shop

    You can have coffee and some food in a coffee shop.

    A cinema

    You can see a movie in a cinema.

    A department store

    You can buy clothes and many other things in a department store.

    A supermarket

    You can buy food, toothpaste and shampoo in a supermarket.

    A stadium

    You can watch sports in a stadium.


    Wake up

    She’s waking up.

    Get dressed

    He’s getting dressed.

    Brush teeth

    She’s brushing her teeth.

    Take a shower

    He’s taking a shower.

    Eating breakfast

    She’s eating breakfast.


    Tom: Good morning, Lisa.

    Lisa: Good morning, Tom.

    Tom: What are you doing today?

    Lisa: Nothing, it’s Saturday, so I’m staying home. Why?

    Tom: I feel like seeing a movie. Why don’t we go to the cinema this afternoon?


    -What day of the week is it? –Saturday.

    -What is she doing today? –She’s just staying home.


    Lisa: A movie?

    Tom: Sure, there are several movies shown at the cinema. I can get tickets on-line.

    Lisa: I don’t know, maybe.

    Tom: If the movies aren’t good, we can do something else.

    Lisa: Like what? It’s cold and it might rain.

    Tom: We can go to the mall and get a pizza.


    -What can they do if the movies aren’t good? –They can go to the mall and get a pizza.

    -What’s the weather like? –It’s cold and it might rain.


    Lisa: OK, I’ll ask my mom and call you back.

    Tom: Great, I hope your mom says OK.

    Lisa: Yes, me too, bye, Tom.


    Lisa: Tom.

    Tom: Hi, Lisa.

    Lisa: Sorry, but I can’t go. My mom wants me to stay at home.

    Tom: Why does she want you to stay at home?

    Lisa: She wants me to finish my homework.

    Tom: That’s too bad.


    -Why does her mother want her to stay at home? –She wants Lisa to finish her homework.


    Lisa: Sorry, maybe we can see a movie next week, OK?

    Tom: Sure, next week would be fine. Anyway, have a good day.

    Lisa: Thanks, Tom. You too.

    Letters & Numbers








    A triangle

    A train


    A skirt

    The sky








    A crow.


    Sunday is the last day of the week.

    Tuesday is the second day of the week.

    If today is Monday tomorrow is Tuesday.

    If today is Thursday the day before yesterday was Tuesday.

    One minute is sixty seconds.

    Thirty minutes is half an hour.

    Six thirty is half past six. 6:30.

    Six forty-five is a quarter to seven. 6:45.

    January is the first month of the year.

    February is the second month of the year.

    Zero point one equals one tenth. 0.1 = 1/10

    Zero point zero-zero one equals one-one thousandth. 0.001 = 1/1000

    One million. 1000000

    Three hundred fifty thousand. 350000



    This is Ben’s weekly schedule.

    On week days he goes to school from 8:00 until 3:30.

    He usually has basketball practice after school.

    On Monday, his team practices for 2 hours.

    They practice from 3:45 until 5:45.


    -What does he do from 8:00 to 3:30 on week days? –goes to school.


    On Tuesdays and Thursdays they practice for an hour and a half.

    They finish practicing around 5:15.

    On Wednesdays, they practice until 6:00.

    On Fridays, they have a short practice.

    They finish at 5:00, so he can go home early.


    -When do they finish practicing on Tuesday and Thursday? –around 5:15.


    On Saturday, they have their games.

    They play against other schools.

    The games are in the afternoon.

    This year their team isn’t doing well.

    Their record is 3 wins and 4 losses.


    -When do they have their games on Saturday? –in the afternoon.

    -How well is their team doing? –It isn’t doing well.


    Ben never has practice on Sundays.

    On Sundays he does homework.

    In the afternoon he and his family spend time together.

    Sometimes they watch a movie.

    Sometimes they just stay at home.

    Ben likes to play chess with his father.

    His father is a good chess player.


    -What does Ben like to do with his father? –play chess.

    -How often does he have practice on Sundays? –He never has practice on Sundays.


    Ken is a taxi driver.

    He and his wife live in Tokyo.

    Ken is 40 years old.

    His wife, Seiko, is a nurse.

    She works in a hospital.


    -Where does Seiko work? –in a hospital.


    Ken owns his own taxi.

    His schedule varies.

    It changes every day.

    On rainy days he works for 8 hours.

    It’s easy to get passengers on rainy days.

    On other days he works for 5 or 6 hours.


    -What do you know about Ken’s schedule? –It varies.

    -How long does he work on rainy days? –for eight hours.


    He usually works 5 or 6 days a week.

    He never works on Sundays.

    He prefers to work at night, from 6 until midnight.

    There is less traffic at night.

    That means there are fewer cars on the road.


    -How many days does he usually work a week? –He works five or six days a week.

    -Why does he prefer to work at night? –There is less traffic at night.


    During the day, there is a lot of traffic.

    The streets are crowd with too many cars.

    Too many cars on the road means heavy traffic.

    Ken doesn’t like driving in heavy traffic.

    The traffic doesn’t move.

    There are too many cars.


    -What doesn’t Ken like? –Ken doesn’t like driving in heavy traffic.

    -Why doesn’t Ken like driving in heavy traffic? –The traffic doesn’t move.


    Ken likes being a taxi driver.

    He likes to talk to his passengers.

    Most passengers are very nice.

    Some of them are very interesting.

    They come from different countries.

    They have different kinds of jobs.


    -What is not correct about the passengers? –Most passengers are not very nice.

    -Why does he like to talk to his passengers? –some of them are very interesting.


    Unfortunately, some passengers are very rude.

    They get angry and are not polite.

    They never say please or thank you.

    They want him to driver fast even in heavy traffic.

    It’s not possible to drive fast in heavy traffic.

    And they don’t day thank you when they leave.


    -What isn’t possible? –To drive fast in heavy traffic.

    -What do some passengers want him to do? –They want him to drive fast.



    They are leaving home in the morning.


    They are returning home in the evening.


    He is arriving at work in the morning.


    She is working at her desk in an office.


    He is talking with a friend on his phone.


    She is listening to music.


    A happy face

    She is smiling because she’s happy.

    A sad face

    She has a sad face because she’s sad.

    An angry face

    This person is angry.


    This man is afraid of something.


    This man is tired because he doesn’t get enough sleep.


    A box

    This box has three dimensions: length, width and height.

    Its length and width are both 1 centimeter.

    Its height is one point five centimeters.

    A grey ball

    This ball weighs one kilogram or 2.2 pounds.

    A moving car

    This car’s speed is 60 miles per hour or about 97 kilometers an hour.

    Two moving cars

    These two cars are moving in the opposite direction.

    The red car is going west and the green car is going east.

    Two purses

    These two purses look the same, but their cost is quite different.

    The purse on the left costs 100 dollars more than the purse on the right.


    M1: Good evening, where do you want to go?

    M2: I want to go to the train station. I’m in a hurry. My train leaves in an hour.

    M1: Which train station? The east station or the west station?

    M2: It’s the east station.


    -Where does he want to go? –to the train station.

    -When does his train leave? –His train leaves in an hour.


    M1: Oh, the traffic is very bad now. It’s going to take time.

    M2: How much time?

    M1: Maybe 40 minutes.

    M2: Please hurry. I don’t want to miss my train.


    -Why is he in a hurry? –He doesn’t want to miss his train.


    M2: Driver, can you go any faster?

    M1: Sorry, sir. As you can see, the traffic isn’t moving.

    Sorry, but you are going to miss your train.

    M2: OK. Let me out at that subway stop. Maybe I can get there by subway.

    How much do I owe you?

    M1: Just a minute. The fare is 15 dollars. Do you want a receipt?

    M2: No, thanks. I don’t need a receipt.


    -Why can’t they go faster? –The traffic isn’t moving.


    W: What do you think of Steve’s new friend?

    M: She is very pretty. But I don’t like her.

    W: Why not?

    M: She just talks about herself. She talks and talks, but she never listens.


    -Why doesn’t he like Steve’s new friend? –She talks and talks, but she never listens.

    -What does she talk about? –herself.


    M: I don’t know why Steve likes her so much.

    W: Well, she is pretty.

    M: Yes, she is pretty and boring. Don’t you agree?

    W: Yes, I see what you mean. She is boring.


    -Why do they think Steve likes his girlfriend? –She’s pretty.


    W: But maybe she isn’t always boring.

    M: What do you mean?

    W: Maybe she just as know how to be around other people.

    M: Maybe you are right. Steve really likes her so she must be nice.

    W: Right. We still don’t know her very well. Let’s give her more time.

    M: OK. At least she is nice to look at.


    -How well do they know Steve’s girlfriend? –They don’t know her very well.



    Christina works in a department store.

    She sells women’s clothing.

    She always sells cosmetics, like lipsticks or perfume.

    Many of her customers are young women.

    They spend lots of money.

    They buy dresses because they want to be beautiful.

    Christina helps them decide which dress to buy.


    -Where does Christina work? –She works in a department store.

    -What does Christina help her customers do? –She helps them decide what to buy.

    -Why do they buy dresses? –They want to be beautiful.


    Christina works from 10:00 until 7:00.

    After work she meets her boyfriend.

    They usually meet in front of the department store.

    He is always waiting there, except in rainy weather.

    On rainy days, he waits at the subway stop.

    It’s across the street from the department store.


    -What does she do after work? –She meets her boyfriend.

    -Where is the subway stop? –It’s across the street from the store.

    -Where do they usually meet? –They usually meet in front of the department store.


    They usually have dinner together.

    Sometimes they eat dinner in his apartment.

    He has a nice apartment because he has a good job.

    He earns a lot of money.

    He is also an excellent cook.

    He can cook Italian and Mexican food.


    -Why does he have a nice apartment? –He earns a lot of money.


    Christina isn’t very good at cook.

    She doesn’t like cooking.

    But she likes to design new clothes.

    She wants to become a clothing designer.

    Some day she wants to open her own shop.


    -What does Christina like to do? –She likes to design new clothes.

    -What kind of cook is she? –She doesn’t like cooking.


    Seiko is a nurse.

    She works in a hospital in the center of Tokyo.

    She takes a bus to in and from work.

    The trip from home to the hospital takes about 30 minutes.


    -What does Seiko do? –She’s a nurse.

    -How long does it take her to get to work? –It takes about 30 minutes.


    Her schedule varies.

    She usually works four or five days a week.

    In some weeks she works late at night.

    In other weeks she works during the day.

    When she finishes work, she is always tired.


    -How many days does she usually work in a week? –She usually works 4 or 5 days a week. It takes about 30 minutes for her to get to work.


    Seiko works very hard but she likes her job.

    She likes to help her patients.

    Some of her patients are very old.

    Some of them are very close to death.

    Some of them are very young.

    They have a long life ahead.

    Some of her patients have broken bones.

    It takes time for them to get better.


    She also enjoys working with the doctors.

    The doctors in the hospital are very good.

    She and the doctors work well together.

    They do their best to help the patients.

    She thinks it’s an excellent hospital.

    She is happy to work there.


    -How well does she work with the doctors? –They work well together.



    A triangle

    A triangle has three sides.

    In this triangle, sides AB and BC are perpendicular to each other.

    A square

    A square has four equal sides.

    All four angles are right angles, or 90 degrees.

    Two intersecting lines

    These two lines intersect or cross at a 90 degree angle.

    They are perpendicular to each other.

    A circle is round.

    All points on a circle are the same distance from its center.

    Two parallel line

    These two lines never intersect because they are parallel.

    An angle

    These two lines meet at a 30 degree angle.


    Watch something

    They are watching a movie on television.

    Meet someone

    He is meeting her for the first time.

    Talk with someone

    He is talking with a friend on his phone.

    Work with someone

    She is working with her coworker.

    Interview someone

    She is interviewing a famous basketball player.


    A box

    This box has three dimensions: length, width and height.

    Its length and width are both 1 centimeter.

    Its height is one point five centimeters.

    A grey ball

    This ball weighs one kilogram or 2.2 pounds.

    A moving car

    This car’s speed is 60 miles per hour or about 97 kilometers an hour.

    Two moving cars

    These two cars are moving in the opposite direction.

    The red car is going west and the green car is going east.

    Two purses

    These two purses look the same, but their cost is quite different.

    The purse on the left costs 100 dollars more than the purse on the right.


    Receptionist: Good evening, sir. May I help you?

    Customer: Good evening. I’d like a room, please.

    Receptionist: Do you have a reservation?

    Customer: No, I’m afraid not.

    Receptionist: No reservation? I’m sorry, sir, we don’t have any rooms for tonight.

    Customer: I really need a room. Don’t you have anything?

    Receptionist: No, sir, we are completely full.


    Customer: Is there another hotel nearby? Can you recommend one?

    Receptionist: There is another five star hotel just on the street. Maybe they still have rooms. Customer: Yes, I know that hotel. It’s too expensive.


    Customer: Do you know any other hotels nearby?

    Receptionist: Well, there is a three-star hotel not far away. The rooms are small, but it’s clean.

    Customer: Could you give me its number?

    Receptionist: I can call them for you if you like.

    Customer: Yes, could you?


    Receptionist: Sir, I called them, and they have several rooms. You can go there now and check in.

    Customer: Thanks, I’ll stay there tonight. How about tomorrow night? Do you have any rooms for tomorrow night?

    Receptionist: Yes, I think we do.

    Customer: OK. I’d like to reserve a room for the next three nights.


    Customer: Here’s my credit card. What time can I check in tomorrow?

    Receptionist: Check in time is 2:30.

    Customer: OK. I’ll be back at 2:30 tomorrow. Thanks for your help.

    Receptionist: You’re welcome, sir.




    This is what Lisa did earlier today.

    This morning she got up at 6:30.

    She got dress between 6:30 and 6:40.

    It took 10 minutes for her to get dressed.


    -How long did she take to get dressed? –It took ten minutes.


    At 6:45 she ate breakfast.

    After breakfast she brushed her teeth.

    She left for school at 7:00.


    -When did she leave for school? –at 7:00.

    -What did she do after she ate breakfast? –She brushed her teeth.

    She took ten minutes to get dressed.


    This morning she took the subway to school.

    It took 45 minutes to get to school.

    She got to school at 7:45.

    Her first class began at 8:00.


    -When did her first class begin? –It began at 8:00.

    -How did she get to school? –She took the subway to school.


    At 12:00 she had lunch with her friends.

    After lunch she had classes until 2:50.

    She left school around 3:00.

    She got home a few minutes ago, at 3:45.


    -When did her classes end? –They didn’t begin until after lunch.

    -What did she do at 12:00? –She had lunch.

    -When did she get home? –She got home a few minutes ago.


    This is what Lisa is going to do for the rest of the day.

    It’s now 3:50 and she is cleaning her room.

    She’s putting away her clothes.

    She’s also deciding what she’s going to wear tomorrow.


    -What is she doing right now? –It’s now 3:50 and she is cleaning her room.

    -What is she deciding tomorrow? –What she is going to wear.


    In about 10 minutes she’s going to practice the piano.

    She usually practices for about 45 minutes.

    After practicing, she’s going to do some homework.

    She does homework until dinner time, which is at 6:00.


    -When is she going to play the piano? –She is going to practice in about ten minutes.

    -How long does she usually practice? –She practices for about 45 minutes.

    -What is she going to do before dinner? –She is going to practice the piano and then do some homework.

    She’s going to practice the piano and then do some homework until dinner.


    After dinner she’s going to wash the dishes.

    From 7:00 until around 9:00 she’s going to do her homework.

    She may call her friends on the phone so they can work together.


    -What might she do with her friend? –Work together.


    After finishing her homework she’s going to read.

    She’s reading a very good book.

    She started it last week.

    Tonight she’s going to finish it.

    After she finishes it, she’ll turn off the light and go to sleep.


    -When did she start reading the book? –last week.

    -What will she do after she finishes it? –She’ll turn off the light and go to sleep.


    This Sunday Dan is going to have a party.

    It’s going to be at his house.

    The best way to go there is by subway.

    If you go by car there’s no place to park.


    -Where is the park going to be? –at his house.

    -Why isn’t it good to go by car? –There’s no place to park.


    These are the directions to Dan’s house.

    Take the subway to West 8th Street.

    Go out the north exit.

    In front of the exit is a park.

    Turn right and go two blocks to 3rd Avenue.

    When you get there, turn left and go about 50 meters.

    The house will be on your right.

    The address is 755 3rd Avenue.

    Sometimes there’s a large dog in front of the house.

    Don’t be afraid. It won’t bite.



    A cube

    A cube is a 3 dimensional object with equal sides.

    A circle

    A circle has a radius and a diameter.

    A sphere

    A sphere is round and has the shape of a ball.

    Perpendicular lines

    Perpendicular lines meet at a 90-degree angle.


    The area of a rectangle is its length times its width.


    The volume of a cube is its length times its width times its height.



    We have 5 fingers on each hand.

    We use our fingers to hold things.


    We have 5 toes on each foot.

    They are at the end of each foot.


    We use our legs to walk.

    Our feet are at the end of each leg.


    We use our arms to carry things.

    Our hands are at the end of each arm.


    Our teeth are in our mouth.

    We use our teeth to chew food.


    The sun

    The sun gives us energy.

    The moon

    The light from the moon comes from the sun.


    This is our planet. It goes around the sun once a year.


    We see stars as small points of light in the night sky.


    A Galaxy has billions of stars.

    Except for our own Galaxy, they are very far away.


    Shopkeeper: Good afternoon, may I help you?

    Customer: Yes, I’d like to look at some of your dresses. They’re on sale, right?

    Shopkeeper: Yes, everything is on sale.

    Customer: Can you recommend something?

    Shopkeeper: Is this for business or casual?

    Customer: It’s something for the office.


    -What kind of dresses is she looking for? –It’s something for the office.


    Shopkeeper: Well, we have some very nice black dress.

    Customer: May I see them?

    Shopkeeper: Sure, please come with me.


    -What color of dresses does she recommend? –black dresses.


    Shopkeeper: Here are two very nice black dresses. One is fairly short and the other is ankle length.

    Customer: They both look very nice.

    Shopkeeper: Why don’t you try them on? There’s a dressing room over there.

    Customer: Sure, thanks.


    -What is she going to do? –She is going to try on the dresses.


    Customer: The short one is nice but a bit too sexy for the office. What do you think?

    Shopkeeper: It looks very nice on you. If you wear this white jacket with it, it doesn’t show too much.

    Customer: Yes, it covers my arms, I like it. How much is it?

    Shopkeeper: After the discount, it’s $300.

    Customer: 300 dollars? Does that include the white jacket?

    Shopkeeper: No, it doesn’t. The white jacket is 150 dollars.

    Customer: What about the other dress? I’d like to try it on too.


    -What is she going to try on now? –She is going to try the long dress on.

    -How much is the short dress after discount? –After the discount, it’s 300 dollars.


    Customer: What do you think?

    Shopkeeper: I think it looks great on you. It shows your figure but not too much.

    Customer: I think it’s too big in the waist.

    Shopkeeper: We can fix that. We can take it in a bit.

    Customer: What about the price?

    Shopkeeper: After the discount, it’s 350 dollars.


    -What’s wrong with the dress? –It’s too big in the waist.


    Customer: If I buy the white jacket too, can you give me a better price?

    Shopkeeper: Yes, I think I can give you another 10% discount.

    Customer: So that’s 450 dollars for both of them, right?

    Shopkeeper: Yes, that’s right.


    -What is the discounted price for both of the dress and jacket? -$450 for both of them.


    Customer: OK. Could you hold them for a couple of hours? I want my husband to see them. He can help me decide.

    Shopkeeper: OK. I’ll hold them for you until 4:00.

    Customer: Thanks. I’ll be back and around in an hour.


    -What does “to hold them for her” mean here? –She won’t sell them to anyone else.

    -Who is she going to bring with her? –her husband.





    Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop.

    It has the schedule for 3 buses between 8 and 9:30 in the morning.

    Bus number 38 has a regular schedule.

    It comes every 15 minutes.

    8:10, 8:25, 8:40, 8:55, 9:10, 9:25.

    Bus number 47 comes less often.

    It comes at 8:20, 8:45 and 9:25.

    Bus number 60 is the earliest bus.

    It comes at 8:05, 8:30 and 9:00.

    Bus number 38 has stops at the main train station and the airport.

    Bus number 60 stops at the main train station, but doesn’t go to the airport.

    Bus number 47 doesn’t go to either the main train station or the airport.


    -How often does Bus No. 38 come? –It comes every 15 minutes.

    -If it’s 8:00 now what is the next bus to the main train station? –at 8:05.

    -If it’s 8:00 now what is the next bus to the train station? -Bus No. 60.

    Which bus goes to both the train station and the airport?

    We have to wait until 9:00, which is 10 minutes from now.

    The next bus to the airport is Bus No. 38.


    This is our planet Earth.

    It has the shape of a sphere, like a ball.

    The equator divides the Earth into two halves.

    The northern half is the northern hemisphere.

    The southern half is the southern hemisphere.

    Europe and Asia are both in the northern hemisphere.

    Australia and a third of Africa are in the southern hemisphere.


    -What divide the earth into two halves? –the equator.

    -Europe and Asia are in which hemisphere? –They are both in the northern hemisphere.


    The Earth moves in two ways.

    First it spins or rotates.

    It rotates around its axis.

    The axis is a line through its center.

    It takes the Earth 24 hours to complete a rotation.

    That is the length of one day.


    -Around what does the earth rotate? –It rotates around its axis. A day is 24 hours long.


    Second the Earth travels around the Sun.

    It takes about 365 days for the Earth to go around the Sun.

    That is the length of one year.

    Its average speed during the year is about 30 km/s.


    -How long does it take for the earth to go around the sun? -365 days.

    The length of one year is about 365 days.


    The Earth’s axis is not perpendicular to the Sun.

    The Earth’s axis is tilted.

    It is tilted at an angle of around 23.5 degrees.

    This tilt causes the seasons of the year.


    -What causes the seasons of the year? –The earth’s axis is tilted.

    -What does the earth’s tilt cause? –the seasons of the year.


    During part of the year, the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun.

    When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun, it’s summer.

    When the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, it’s winter.

    This is why the seasons are opposite for the northern and southern hemispheres.

    When it’s summer in Australia it’s winter in Europe.


    -What season is it in Europe when the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun? –It’s summer.

    -When it’s summer in Australia, what season is it in Europe? -When it’s summer in Australia it’s winter in Europe.

    In winter the earth tilts away from the sun.


    What would happen if the Earth’s tilt were different than it is now?

    If the Earth’s tilt were larger, summers would be hotter.

    If the Earth’s tilt were smaller, summers would be cooler.

    If the Earth had no tilt at all, there would be no seasons.

    Therefore the angle of the tilt is very important for life in the Earth.


    -Why is the angle of tilt important for life on earth? –the seasons depend on it.

    How many seasons would there be if the earth has no tilt?


    The Earth is 93 million miles from the Sun.

    The Sun is at the center of our solar system.

    Our solar system has several planets which orbit around it.

    Our planet is the third planet from the Sun.


    -What orbits around the sun? –several planets.

    -What is at the center of our solar system? -The Sun is at the center of our solar system.


    If the Earth were closer to the Sun, our planet would be hotter.

    If the Earth were farther from the Sun, our planet would be colder.

    Therefore the distance between the Earth and the Sun is very important.


    -What would happen if the earth were farther from the sun? –Our planet would be colder.


    Winter is the coldest time of the year.

    Winter nights are long and the days are short.

    Summer is the hottest time of the year.

    Summer nights are short and the days are long.

    Spring comes after winter and before summer.

    Spring is when trees turn green.

    Autumn, or fall, comes after summer and before winter.

    Autumn is when trees turn many colors and leaves fall to the ground.

    Some countries have a rainy season.

    In rainy season it rains almost every day.


    Autumn is also called fall.


    This boy has a broken leg.

    He can’t walk without crutches.

    This girl has a sore throat.

    She doesn’t feel good because her throat hurts.

    This girl is vomiting.

    She ate something bad so she is throwing up.

    This boy has a fever.

    His temperature is 39.5 degrees Celsius。

    This girl has a headache.

    She doesn’t feel good because her head aches.


    He broke his leg in a skiing accident.


    Tom: I really hate this cold winter weather.

    Lisa: Really? I don’t mind it. It’s not so bad.

    Tom: First, it’s really cold. Second, I don’t like the short days and the long nights. It’s always dark.

    Lisa: Sure, but it will be over soon. Spring is coming and warmer weather.

    Tom: Yes, and longer days.


    -Which season has the shortest days and longest nights? –winter.

    -How does the weather changing in the spring? –The weather gets warmer.

    -What’s coming with spring? –warmer weather.


    Lisa: What about summers? Do you like hot weather?

    Tom: I don’t like summer weather too.

    Lisa: Is it too hot for you?

    Tom: Yes, it’s too hot. Every day is hot and humid. So I always feel tired and thirsty.

    Lisa: Yeah, me too. I take a shower twice a day.


    -Why doesn’t he like summer weather? –Every day is hot and humid.

    -How often does Lisa take a shower in summer weather? –twice a day.


    Lisa: So which is worse, summer or winter?

    Tom: Good question. I guess I prefer winter. What about you?

    Lisa: Well, I prefer winter too. I don’t mind the long nights.


    -Which season do they prefer, summer or winter? –winter.

    -Which season do they think it’s worse? –They think summer is worse than winter.


    Lisa: Of course the best seasons are spring and autumn.

    Tom: Which of those do you prefer?

    Lisa: Within those two, I prefer autumn.

    Tom: Why do you prefer autumn?

    Lisa: I love it when the leaves turn different colors.

    Tom: I agree with you. I guess autumn is my favorite season too.


    -Which season is Lisa’s favorite season? –autumn.

    -Why does Lisa prefer autumn to spring? –She loves it when the leaves turn different colors.


    Lisa: I was surprised, Tom. I thought you would prefer spring.

    Tom: Why is that?

    Lisa: Everything is young and new in spring, right?

    Tom: Well, maybe I’ll change my mind.


    -Which season does Lisa think Tom would prefer? –She thought he would prefer spring.


    M: Excuse me, when is the next bus?

    W: To where?

    M: To the train station.

    W: Let’s look at the bus schedule.

    M: Which bus goes to the train station?

    W: Buses 38 and 60 both go to the train station.


    -How many buses go to the train station? –Two.

    -What do they look at? –They look at the bus schedule.


    M: It’s 8:59 now. So I just missed the number 38.

    W: Right. It came a few minutes ago. The next bus to the train station comes at 9:00.

    M: Yes, I hope it isn’t late. The traffic is heavy.


    -Which bus did he just miss? –No. 38.


    W: Oh, look, the number 60 is coming now, right on schedule.

    M: Great, thanks for your help.

    W: You’re welcome. Have a good day.

    M: You too.


    -What bus is he going to take? –the bus No. 60.



    Dan is a pilot.

    He flies airplanes to all parts of the world.

    This was his schedule yesterday, which was Sunday.

    He woke up at 6:30.

    After waking up, he got out of bed and brushed his teeth.

    After that he took a shower.


    -What time did he wake up? –He woke up at 6:30.

    -What did he do after he got out of bed? –He brushed his teeth.

    After brushing his teeth he took a shower.


    He and his wife ate breakfast together at 7:15.

    He had a big breakfast of eggs, potatoes and fruit.

    They finished eating at 7:30.

    After eating he put on his uniform.

    At 8:00 they left house and his wife drove him to the airport.

    The traffic was heavy so it took 45 minutes to get to the airport.


    -How long did it take to get to the airport? –It took 45 minutes to get there.

    -When did they leave their house? –They left their house at 8:00.


    They arrived at the airport at 8:45.

    After going through security he checked the weather along the fly path.

    At 9:30 he boarded the plane.

    He and his co-pilot talked about the flight.


    -With whom did he talk about the flight? –His co-pilot.

    -When did he board the plane? –At 9:30 he boarded the plane.


    By 10:30 the passengers are all on board.

    They pushed back from the gate at 10:45.

    From the gate it took ten minutes to go the run way.

    There were two airplanes in front of them, so they had to wait.


    -How many planes are there in front of them? –Two airplanes.

    -How long did it take to get to the run way? -It took ten minutes to go the run way.


    They finally entered the run way at 11:10, which was five minutes behind schedule.

    Two minutes later, at 11:12, they took off for Beijing.


    -How long did they wait on the run way? –two minutes.


    The flight from San Francisco to Beijing took 12 hours.

    They landed in the afternoon, one day later.

    In Beijing it was already Monday.


    -How long did the flight take? –The flight took 12 hours.

    -What day of the week was it when they took off? –They left in Sunday.

    It was Sunday when they took off.


    After leaving the aircraft, he took a bus to his hotel in Beijing.

    He checked in at 6:00 pm, and went up to his room.

    When he got to his room, he took a shower.

    Then he went downstairs and ate dinner.


    -How did he get to his hotel? –He took a bus to his hotel.

    -What did he do when he get to his hotel room? –He took a shower.


    After eating he went back to his room and watched some TV.

    At 10:00 he went to bed and fell asleep.

    The day after tomorrow he’ll fly back to San Francisco.

    His wife and children will be happy to see him.

    They always miss him when he is away.


    -What did he do after he got back to his room? –He watched some television.

    -When is he going to fly back to San Francisco? –The day after tomorrow.


    Ben often buys lunch at school.

    He usually spends around 5 dollars for lunch.

    Here are the prices of some of the things on the menu.

    Sandwiches are a dollar 50 cents.

    Ben likes sandwiches, but yesterday he ate two slices of pizza.

    A slice of pizza costs the same as a sandwich.


    -How many slices of pizza did he eat? –He had two slices.

    -How much did he spend for the pizza? –He spent $3.00 for the pizza.


    He also had some fruit.

    He had banana, which was a dollar.

    He was hungry so he also had a salad.

    The salad costs a dollar 25 cents.

    He had a bottle of water from home so he didn’t buy anything to drink.

    Altogether his lunch cost 5 dollars and 25 cents.

    He enjoyed his lunch because the pizza was good.


    -How much more does the sandwich cost than a salad? –A sandwich cost $0.25 more.

    -Why did he enjoy his lunch? –The pizza was good.

    What was the total cost of his lunch? How much did his lunch cost?



    Airplanes are the fastest way to travel a long distance.

    Airplane-travel is one of the secure way to travel.

    This is a truck, or lorry.

    Trucks carry and deliver many of the things we buy can use each day.

    Buses are a good way to travel in a city.

    A bus can carry many passengers and is less expensive than a taxi.

    Buses can carry more passengers than a taxi or truck.

    Ships transport freight such as oil or automobiles across the oceans.

    Some ships carry passengers in ocean croutes.

    Ambulances carry sick or injured people to a hospital.

    If someone is in an accident, call for ambulance.


    One very famous passenger ship was the Titanic.


    This boy has a cut on his figure.

    He cut his figure with knife, so now it’s bleeding.

    This girl is coughing.

    She is coughing because she has a bad cold.

    This boy has diarrhea.

    He ate something bad so his stomach hurts.

    This person is dead.

    He is dead because he was hit by the car.

    This man is drunk.

    He’s drunk because he drank too much wine.


    He wasn’t careful crossing the street.

    He has to go to the toilet again and again.

    He wasn’t careful enough with the knife, so he cut himself.

    Never drive when you’re drunk.

    Don’t cause an accident and kill somebody.


    Lisa: Can you help me? Here’s a homework question.

    Tom: Sure, I’ll help you if I can. What’s the question?

    Lisa: What would happen to the seasons if the earth stop rotating?

    Tom: Stop rotating? You mean the earth would always face the same direction?

    Lisa: Right, so a day would be a year-long.

    Tom: Wow, that’s a difficult question. So each season would be one fourth of year?

    Lisa: I don’t know, I’m not sure.


    -To stop rotating means? –To stop turning.

    -How long would a day be if the earth stop rotating? –A day would be a year long.


    Tom: During the summer the Sun would always be up. It would be very hot.

    Lisa: And during the winter, it would always be dark, right?

    Tom: Yes, I think that’s right.

    Lisa: Maybe there wouldn’t be any spring or fall.

    Tom: Hey, I don’t know.

    Lisa: OK, let’s check that on the internet.


    -Where are they going to find out about the seasons? –On the internet.

    -How long would the nights be during the summer? –There wouldn’t be any nights.


    Tom: Hey, why are you sitting there? Where’s your lunch?

    Lisa: I left it at home.

    Tom: Let’s go to the cafeteria and get lunch together.

    Lisa: No, I can’t. 

    Tom: Why not?

    Lisa: I don’t have any money. I left my money at home too.

    Tom: That’s OK, I have enough money. You can pay me back tomorrow.

    Lisa: Thanks, I’m hungry.


    -What did she leave at home? –Her lunch and money.

    -Why doesn’t she have any money? –She left it at home.


    Tom: What would you like?

    Lisa: That pizza looks good.

    Tom: I had pizza yesterday, and it wasn’t very good. It didn’t have much taste.

    Lisa: How about the sandwiches?

    Tom: Sometimes they are OK. The hot dogs are usually good and they never bad.

    Lisa: So what are you going to get?

    Tom: I think I’ll have a hot dog and a banana. I’m tired of pizza and noodles.


    -What did Tom eat yesterday? –A pizza.

    -How was the pizza Tom eat yesterday? –It wasn’t very good.


    Tom: What about something to drink?

    Lisa: Oh, just water. The soft drinks have too much sugar. I don’t want to gain weight.

    Tom: OK, I’ll have the same thing.

    Lisa: Great, so the total cost is how much?

    Tom: 2 hotdogs, 2 bananas and 2 bottles of water. That’s 6 dollars.


    -How many hotdogs are they going to buy? –Two.

    -How much is their lunch going to cost? -$6.00

    -What are they going to drink? –They are going to have water.


    Lisa: Do you have enough?

    Tom: No problem, I’ve got 10 dollars.

    Lisa: Thanks again, I’ll pay you back tomorrow.

    Tom: No problem, don’t worry about it.


    -How much money does Tom have? -$10.00.


    Lisa: My mom isn’t going to be happy.

    Tom: Why is that?

    Lisa: She made my lunch and I left it at home.

    Tom: Oh, I see. My parents unlike that too.


    -Who made Lisa’s lunch? –Lisa’s mom.

    -Why isn’t her mom going to happy? –She left the lunch at home.



    Last night Lisa came home later than usual.

    It was raining and she didn’t have her umbrella.

    When she got home she was cold and wet.

    She was tired and she didn’t feel well.

    She got out of her wet clothes and went to bed.

    She just wanted to sleep.


    -What did she want to do after she got home? –She just wanted to sleep.

    -Why did she get wet? –She didn’t have her umbrella.


    This morning she woke up with bad cold.

    She had headache and a sore throat.

    Her mother took her temperature.

    Her temperature was 39 degrees, so she had a fever.

    Her mother told her to stay in bed.


    -What did she have when she woke up? –She had a bad cold.-


    Lisa’s sore throat hurt a lot so her mother called the doctor.

    She made an appointment for 11:00.

    Lisa got out of bed at 10:00 and got dressed.

    At 10:15 they left their apartment.

    It was still raining so they took a taxi.


    -Who did her mother call? –the doctor.

    -Why did they take a taxi? –It was raining.


    They got to the doctor’s office at 10:45.

    Her mother gave Lisa’s name to the receptionist.

    Then they sat in the waiting room.

    They waited for 10 minutes.

    Then a nurse came and took Lisa into another room.

    The nurse weighed Lisa and took her temperature.

    Then Lisa waited for the doctor.


    -Where did they wait? –in the waiting room.

    -Who weighed Lisa? –the nurse. How long did they wait?


    When the doctor came he looked down her throat.

    He listened to her heart beat.

    Then he gave her a shot in her arm.

    The shot hurt a little but Lisa didn’t mind.

    She wanted it to help her feel better.


    -Who look down Lisa’s throat? –the doctor.

    -Why didn’t she mind that the shot hurt? –She wanted it to help her feel better.


    After leaving the doctor’s office they went to a pharmacy.

    Her mother brought some medicine.

    Then they took a taxi home.


    For the rest of the day, Lisa stayed in bed.

    She took some medicine and drank a lot of liquids.

    She slept for a couple of hours.

    Then she listened to some music.

    By 6:00 she was feeling much better.


    Now she’s think about tomorrow.

    She’s looking forward to going to school.

    She doesn’t want to stay home again.

    But she may have to stay home.

    She can’t return to school until her cold is gone.

    She doesn’t want her friends to catch her cold.


    Yesterday there was a terrible accident.

    It happened in front of a subway station.

    There was a crosswalk and the light was red.


    Cars were coming from all directions.

    A young man wanted to cross the street.

    He didn’t want to wait for the light to change.

    He looked both ways and then started to run across the street.

    But he didn’t see one car and it hit him.

    He flew up into the air and came down on the road.

    He head was injured and he was bleeding.


    Several people used their phones to call for an ambulance.

    It arrived a few minutes later and took the man away.

    We still don’t know if he lived or died.

    Hopefully he’s alive and will get better soon.

    So be careful when you cross the street.


    Everyone needs food and water.

    Without food and water we cannot live.

    People need a place to live in and sleep.

    We need a place to keep us dry in rainy weather.

    We need good health to keep us strong.

    Daily exercise is a good way to stay in good health.

    We need skills to find a good job.

    Without good job skills we can’t keep a good job.

    We need money to buy things such as food.

    Without money it’s very difficult to have a good life.


    We need water to keep our bodies working.

    Without water, our body doesn’t work at all.

    -Why is it difficult for poor people to buy things? –They don’t have enough money.


    Ice is the solid state of water.

    The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius.

    This is the liquid state of water.

    Liquids take the shape of their container, such as this glass.

    Water vapor is the gaseous state of water.

    Water becomes a gas at 100 degrees Celsius which is its boiling point.

    We use a scale like this to weigh things.

    One kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds.

    This is the thermometer.

    We use thermometers like this to measure temperature.



    M: I didn’t see Angela today. Did she come to the office?

    W: No, she didn’t. She stayed home, she’s sick.

    M: Sick? What’s wrong with her?

    W: She has a bad sore throat and a headache. She’s staying in bed.

    M: Oh, that’s too bad. She looked fine yesterday.

    W: She was fine yesterday but last night she got wet in the rain.


    -How was the weather last night? –It was raining.

    -How did she look yesterday? –She looked fine yesterday.


    M: Didn’t she have an umbrella?

    W: No, she didn’t. So she really got wet. It’s a long walk from the subway to her home.

    She didn’t get home until late.


    -When did she get home? –late at night.

    -Why did she get wet? –She didn’t have an umbrella.


    M: It was really raining last night. I got wet too and I had my umbrella. It was that strong wind. W: My umbrella wasn’t much help either. Still, it was better than nothing.


    -Why weren’t their umbrellas much help? –The wind was really strong.


    M: Anyway, when you see her, tell her to get better soon. We miss her at the office. There’s also an important meeting the day after tomorrow. I hope she can be there.

    W: OK, I’ll call her and let her know.

    M: If she can’t be here we can set up a conference call. So please let me know.

    W: I will.


    -What would they do if she can’t come to the meeting? –Set up a conference call.

    -What’s going to happen the day after tomorrow? –There’s going to be a meeting.


    M: I saw a terrible accident yesterday.

    W: What happened?

    M: I was waiting to cross the Third Street and the light was red.

    W: Yes, many people don’t want to wait for that light.

    It takes a long time for that light to change.

    M: So there’s a young man didn’t want to wait. He ran out into the traffic and a car hit him.


    -Why did the man run out into the traffic? –He didn’t want to wait.


    W: So he didn’t see the car?

    M: Right, he didn’t see it and it was going too fast to stop.

    W: So what happened to him?

    M: The driver got out of the car and stayed next to him. He was just lying there.

    I went out to drug traffic and several other people called for the ambulance.


    -What did several people call for? –an ambulance.

    -What did the driver of the car do? –He got out of his car and stayed with the man.


    W: How long did it take for the ambulance to arrive?

    M: It didn’t take long. I think it only took 10 minutes.

    W: How was the young man when the ambulance arrived?

    M: His eyes were open but there was blood coming out of his mouth. It didn’t look good.


    -How long did it take for the ambulance to arrive? –about 10 minutes.


    W: Did the police come?

    M: Yes, they got there just before the ambulance.

    W: Did they ask you any question?

    M: Yes, they did. They asked a lot of questions. So I told them what happened.


    -When did the police come? –before the ambulance arrived.


    W: What about the driver of the car?

    M: When the ambulance left, he was sitting in his car. The police were talking to him.

    W: What happened after that?

    M: I don’t know because I had to get home.


    -Who were talking to the driver when the ambulance left? –the police.

    -Where was the driver when the ambulance left? –He was sitting in his car.


    W: How did you feel?

    M: I kept thinking about it. From now on I’ll be more careful crossing the street.

    W: Me too.


    -What will he be more careful doing? –crossing the street.



    Here are four people.

    Two of them are tall.

    The man on the top left is very tall.

    He is 6 feet 3 inches tall, which is about 1.9 meters.

    The woman on the top right is 5 feet 11 inches tall.

    She is tall but not as tall as the man on the left.


    -How much taller is the man than the woman? –He is 4 inches taller than she is.


    The girl on the bottom left is short.

    She is less than 5 feet tall.

    She is 4 feet 10 inches, which is about 147 centimeters.

    The boy on the bottom right is taller than the girl.

    He is 5 feet 1 inches tall, which is about 155 centimeters.

    He is 3 inches taller than she is.


    -How tall is the boy? –He is 5 feet 1 inches tall. The man on the top left is the tallest.


    Now let’s look at their weight.

    The man on the top left is the heaviest.

    He weighs 220 pounds, which is 100 kilograms.

    The woman weighs less than he does.

    She weighs 130 pounds, which is 59 kilograms.


    -How much less does the woman weigh than the man? –She weighs 90 pounds less than he does.

    The man on the top left weighs the most.


    The girl on the left is very thin.

    She doesn’t weigh very much.

    Her weight is just 70 pounds.

    The boy is much heavier.

    He weighs 90 pounds, which is about 41 kilograms.


    -How much heavier is the boy than the girl? –He is 20 pounds heavier than she is.


    This is what Kathy did yesterday.

    She got up at 6:00 and cooked breakfast for her family.

    At 7:30 she drove her two children to school.

    It took about 45 minutes to take them to school.


    -When did she get up? –She got up at 6:30.

    -How long did it take them to go to school? –It took about 45 minutes.


    After driving them to school she returned home.

    For the next hour she cleaned the house.

    Then she talked to a friend on the phone.

    They decided to meet at a shopping mall.


    -What did she do after driving her children to school? –She returned home.

    -What did she do after she returned home? –For the next hour, she cleaned the house.


    She arrived at the mall at 11:45.

    She met her friend in a coffee shop.

    They ate lunch together and then they went to shopping.

    There was a big sale at one of the stores.

    There were discounts of up to 50% so they brought clothes for their kids.


    -Why did they buy clothes for their kids? –There was a big sale at one of the stores.

    -Where did she and her friend meet? –They met in a coffee shop.


    At 1:30 her friend wanted to go to a fitness center.

    They usually worked out 3 times a week.

    Yesterday Kathy had a headache.

    She decided not to work out.

    Instead, she decided to go home.


    -What did her friend want to do at 1:30? –She wanted to go to a fitness center.

    -Why didn’t Kathy work out yesterday? –She had headache.


    When she got home her headache was worse.

    She took some medicine and had a short nap.

    After her nap she felt a bit better.

    Her headache was gone.


    -How was her headache when she got home? –It was worse.

    -What did she do after taking some medicine? -She took some medicine and had a short nap.


    Her kids came home at 5:00.

    They were all hungry but she didn’t feel like cooking.

    Instead, she decided to order some food.

    She ordered some Chinese food.


    -What did she order for her kids? –She ordered some Chinese food.


    45 minutes later the delivery man came.

    She paid him for the food and then they ate dinner.

    The food was good and not very expensive.

    It was a nice change.

    Her husband didn’t come home until late.

    That was good because he doesn’t like Chinese food.


    -What did they do after she paid for the food? –They ate dinner.

    -What did they think of the food? –The food was good and not very expensive.


    Here are some things to listen to.

    Most people enjoy listening to music.

    There are many types of music, including classical and jazz.

    Listening to the radio.

    We can listen to the music, news and conversation on the radio.

    Listening to the sounds of the city.

    The sounds of the city are often loud and noisy. Listening to the sound of nature.

    Early in the morning we can often hear the sound of birds singing.

    Listening to other people.

    Sometimes listening to others is interesting.


    Many taxi drivers listen to the radio while they drive.

    Some people are very interesting, so we enjoy listening to them.

    Some people talk too much so we want them to stop talking.

    Some drivers honk their horns too much and the noise is awful.


    Here are some school subjects.

    In science class we learn about our world.

    Science is where we learn about forces, such as gravity.

    In math class we learn about numbers and shapes.

    We learn how to count and how to find the area of different shapes.

    In history class we learn about the past.

    We learn about how our country began and how it has changed.

    In geography class we learn about our land and people of our planet Earth.

    We learn about oceans, mountains and rivers.

    In literature class we read and study great books and poems.

    We learn to write down our ideas and we learn how other think and feel.


    If we don’t know math, we can’t do business or build things.

    We learn why it is important to take care of the Earth.



    Lisa’s mother: Lisa, don’t forget to take your things to school today.

    Lisa: I won’t, mother. I’m sorry about yesterday.

    Lisa’s mother: And remember to pay back the money you owe. Do you have enough money?

    Lisa: I won’t forget and I have enough money.

    Lisa’s mother: How much is that?

    Lisa: I have 15 dollars.


    Lisa’s mother: Do you need anything else?

    Lisa: No, I don’t think so.

    Lisa’s mother: Are you ready for your history test?

    Lisa: Yes, I’m ready. I did all the homework.


    Lisa’s mother: What about your iPhone? Do you have it?

    Lisa: Oh, thanks, it’s in my room. Could you get it for me?

    Lisa’s mother: No, you’ll have to get it for yourself. Then maybe you won’t forget it again.


    Lisa: Hey, I can’t find it. It’s not in my bed. Could you call me?

    Lisa’s mother: OK, I’m calling you now. Do you hear it?

    Lisa: No, I don’t. I don’t hear it.


    Lisa’s mother: Why don’t you look in the bathroom? Maybe you left it there.

    Lisa: OK, I’ll look in the bathroom.

    Lisa’s mother: it’s getting late, so hurry, or you’ll miss your bus.

    Lisa: Yes, I hear it. It’s in the bathroom. I put it there when I brushed my teeth.


    Lisa’s mother: Good. Now hopefully you have everything you need for today.

    Lisa: Thanks, mum. I think I have everything.

    Lisa’s mother: Good luck with your test. I won’t be here when you come home this afternoon. Lisa: OK, have a good day.


    Doctor: Good morning, doctor’s office.

    Lisa’s mother: Hello, my little girl has a bad sore throat. We’d like to see the doctor as soon as possible.

    Doctor: Can’t it wait until tomorrow?

    Lisa’s mother: No, it can’t wait until tomorrow. If the doctor can’t see her today, could we see someone else?


    Doctor: Let me check his schedule. Yes, he has time at 11:00. She may has to wait.

    Lisa’s mother: That’s OK. We can wait.

    Doctor: OK, your last name, please.

    Lisa’s mother: Jackson.

    Doctor: OK, Mrs. Jackson. Does your little girl have a fever?

    Lisa’s mother: Yes, she does. It’s around 39.


    Doctor: Please have stay in bed and drink plenty of liquids. Some tea may help with the pain

    Lisa’s mother: Thank you. We’ll be there at 11:00.
