
    xiaoxiao2022-07-02  90

    select * from table1 ; -- BETWEEN 用法 select * from table1 where kssj BETWEEN '2019-05-01' and '2019-05-01'; select * from table1 where kssj >= '2019-05-01' and kssj<= '2019-05-01'; -- join用法 select * from table1 ; select * from table2 where hdid ='hdid2019041614955744'; -- =用法 select a.hdid, hdbt ,hdzt from table1 a,table2 b where a.hdid =b.hdid -- =作用:a表中的hdid 去b表中从上到下遍历一遍,找到几个满足where条件的,就显示几条,可用distinct去重 select a.hdid, hdbt ,hdzt from table1 a inner join table2 b on a.hdid=b.hdid -- inner join 此条查询sql 等价于上面的=用法 select a.hdid, a.hdbt ,a.hdzt , b.zpid from table1 a left join table2 b on a.hdid=b.hdid -- left join 左连接 即使右表中没有匹配,也从左表返回所有的行 select a.hdid, a.hdbt ,a.hdzt , b.zpid from table1 a left join table2 b on a.hdid=b.hdid except select a.hdid, hdbt ,hdzt,b.zpid from table1 a inner join table2 b on a.hdid=b.hdid -- except 来验证数据,查出来都是没有活动照片的活动 select a.hdid, a.hdbt ,a.hdzt , b.zpid from table1 a right join table2 b on a.hdid=b.hdid -- right join 即使左表中没有匹配,也从右表返回所有的行 select a.hdid, hdbt ,hdzt from table1 a inner join table2 b on a.hdid=b.hdid -- 全连接 只要一个表中有数据,就查出这条数据