【英语学习】【English L06】U02 Food L1 Food on the menu

    xiaoxiao2022-07-02  91


    Word Preparationappetizer:开胃菜smoked salmon:烟熏三文鱼main course:主菜dessert:甜点let someone down:使某人失望 Grammarmight与may的区别

    Word Preparation


    英/ˈæpɪtaɪzə/ 美/ˈæpɪtaɪzər/ (注意重音在第一音节上) a small amount of food eaten before a meal

    We don’t need an appetizer. Let’s just order the main course. 我们不需要开胃菜。我们只点主菜吧。

    Would you like to order an appetizer? 你们要点开胃菜吗?

    smoked salmon:烟熏三文鱼

    I would like to order the smoked salmon. 我想点烟熏三文鱼。

    This restaurant has really good smoked salmon. 这家饭店的烟熏三文鱼味道很好。

    main course:主菜

    what would you like for the main course? 主菜你想要点什么?

    I suggest you order a steak for the main course. 我建议你主菜可以点牛排。


    sweet food eaten at the end of a meal

    Chocolate cake and strawberry pie are my favorite desserts. 巧克力蛋糕与草莓派是我最喜欢的甜点。 She always wants to eat dessert after dinner. 她总是喜欢在晚饭后吃甜点。

    let someone down:使某人失望

    I thought this movie would be better, but it really lets me down. 我以为这个电影会好些,但它真的让我失望。

    I’ll do my best to help you. I won’t let you down! 我会尽力帮助你。我不会让你失望的!



    might与may都是情态动词(Modal Verbs),可以表示允许和推测。might可以用作may的过去式。在表示可能性的时候,might比may的语气弱,更加委婉。

    The weatherman said it might rain. 气象员说可能会下雨。We agree that it might be dangerous. 我们觉得这个可能会有些危险。It’s not cloudy outside, but it might rain. 外边不是很阴,但有可能会下雨。