golang代码笔记 -- timer

    xiaoxiao2022-07-02  140



    func FailureCase() { i := 0 go func() { for { i = i + 1 time.Sleep(time.Second) if i > 5 { break } } }() for { exit := false select { // 避免使用for case <-time.Tick(time.Millisecond): if i > 5 { exit = true } } if exit { break } } }





    ANSIC = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006" UnixDate = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006" RubyDate = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006" RFC822 = "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST" RFC822Z = "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" // RFC822 with numeric zone RFC850 = "Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST" RFC1123 = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST" RFC1123Z = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" // RFC1123 with numeric zone RFC3339 = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" RFC3339Nano = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00" Kitchen = "3:04PM" // Handy time stamps. Stamp = "Jan _2 15:04:05" StampMilli = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000" StampMicro = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000000" StampNano = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000000000" stdDay // "2" stdUnderDay // "_2" stdZeroDay // "02" stdHour = iota + stdNeedClock // "15" stdHour12 // "3" stdZeroHour12 // "03" stdMinute // "4" stdZeroMinute // "04" stdSecond // "5" stdZeroSecond // "05" stdLongYear = iota + stdNeedDate // "2006" stdYear // "06" stdPM = iota + stdNeedClock // "PM"

    “2006-01-02 15:04:05”(format.go: nextStdChunk)



    CLOCK_REALTIME(wall clock):当前时间(系统展示的时间,可同步,可修改)

    CLOCK_MONOTONIC(monotonic time):单调时间,系统启动后每个计时器中断+1

    type Time struct { // wall and ext encode the wall time seconds, wall time nanoseconds, // and optional monotonic clock reading in nanoseconds. // // From high to low bit position, wall encodes a 1-bit flag (hasMonotonic), // a 33-bit seconds field, and a 30-bit wall time nanoseconds field. // The nanoseconds field is in the range [0, 999999999]. // If the hasMonotonic bit is 0, then the 33-bit field must be zero // and the full signed 64-bit wall seconds since Jan 1 year 1 is stored in ext. // If the hasMonotonic bit is 1, then the 33-bit field holds a 33-bit // unsigned wall seconds since Jan 1 year 1885, and ext holds a // signed 64-bit monotonic clock reading, nanoseconds since process start. wall uint64 // 从程序启动开始计算 ext int64 // loc specifies the Location that should be used to // determine the minute, hour, month, day, and year // that correspond to this Time. // The nil location means UTC. // All UTC times are represented with loc==nil, never loc==&utcLoc. loc *Location }

    func Case1() { // time.Sleep(time.Second / 2) now := time.Now() valueNow := reflect.ValueOf(now) wall := valueNow.FieldByName("wall") ext := valueNow.FieldByName("ext") println(wall.Uint(), ext.Int()) } Output: -- 13776715687332558152 565063 -- 13776715794735670552 595682
    // 加 func (t Time) Add(d Duration) Time func (t Time) AddDate(years int, months int, days int) Time // 减 func (t Time) Sub(u Time) Duration // “余”(时区问题) func (t Time) Truncate(d Duration) Time // 等 func (t Time) Equal(u Time) bool // 格式化 func (t Time) Format(layout string) string func Parse(layout, value string) (Time, error) func ParseInLocation(layout, value string, loc *Location) (Time, error) // 序列化和反序列化方法 func (t Time) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) func (t Time) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) func (t Time) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) func (t *Time) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error func (t *Time) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error func (t *Time) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error func (t Time) String() string





    type Timer struct { // 时间通道 C <-chan Time // timer更底层的封装,在runtime/time.go实现 r runtimeTimer } // 创建并启动(结束会向C中写入当前时间) func NewTimer(d Duration) *Timer // 重置计时(Stop --> 创建) func (t *Timer) Reset(d Duration) bool // 停止并从全局时间堆中移除 func (t *Timer) Stop() bool func NewTimer(d Duration) *Timer { c := make(chan Time, 1) t := &Timer{ C: c, r: runtimeTimer{ when: when(d), f: sendTime, arg: c, }, } startTimer(&t.r) return t }




    func AfterFunc(d Duration, f func()) *Timer func After(d Duration) <-chan Time



    // Failure中的例子(慎用) func Tick(d Duration) <-chan Time // 创建Tick func NewTicker(d Duration) *Ticker // 关闭Tick,结束循环 func (t *Ticker) Stop() func NewTicker(d Duration) *Ticker { if d <= 0 { panic(errors.New("non-positive interval for NewTicker")) } // Give the channel a 1-element time buffer. // If the client falls behind while reading, we drop ticks // on the floor until the client catches up. c := make(chan Time, 1) t := &Ticker{ C: c, r: runtimeTimer{ when: when(d), // 和NewTimer仅仅相差这一个字段 // 在timerproc会使用这个字段来判断底层timer是否进行reset并重新加入计时循环 period: int64(d), f: sendTime, arg: c, }, } startTimer(&t.r) return t }



    var ticker = time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond) // 使用defer在函数退出时关闭timer defer ticker.Stop() var counter = 0 for { select { case <-serverDone: return case <-ticker.C: counter += 1 } }


    func Sleep(d Duration)

    具体的实现在runtime/time.go中,使用了比较hack的方式 — go:linkname, 达到跨包访问;

    //go:linkname timeSleep time.Sleep


    // runtimeTimer 与 timer定义完全一致,在golang中可以直接强转 // runtime/time.go type timer struct { tb *timersBucket // the bucket the timer lives in i int // heap index // 触发时间(now + duration) when int64 period int64 // 触发动作(默认为sendTime) f func(interface{}, uintptr) // NOTE: must not be closure // f的参数(默认为时间通道) arg interface{} // timer更新的时候会修改 seq uintptr } // 时间堆结构 -- 由单独的timerproc协程维护 type timersBucket struct { lock mutex // 当前timerproc执行goroutine gp *g // timer goroutine:是否已启动 created bool // timer goroutine:是否Sleep sleeping bool // timer goroutine:是否暂停(len(t) == 0) rescheduling bool // timer goroutine:Sleep恢复时间 sleepUntil int64 // timer goroutine:挂起/唤醒 状态量 waitnote note t []*timer } // 实际存储结构,加入填充字段 // runtime/time.go // timersLen == 64 var timers [timersLen]struct { timersBucket // The padding should eliminate false sharing // between timersBucket values. // pad [cpu.CacheLinePadSize - unsafe.Sizeof(timersBucket{})%cpu.CacheLinePadSize]byte }

    false sharing: CPU的缓存系统通常是以缓存行(cacheline,一般为64字节)来读取数据的,如果有两个进程的数据同时落到了一个cacheline, 一个进程的数据被修改了,整个cacheline需要重新加载,在高并发的场景中,这种相互之间的影响是不可忽略的;





    1.父节点index = (当前节点index - 1)/ 4 2.每次调整之后,index为0的节点对应的timer为优先级最高的(when最小); 3.小顶堆的特性:层数越大的timer,when越大(index越大的timer,when一般越大),方便查找when值最小的timer;

    调整算法(siftupTimer & siftdownTimer)



    — timerBucket分配

    func addtimer(t *timer) { tb := t.assignBucket() lock(&tb.lock) ok := tb.addtimerLocked(t) unlock(&tb.lock) if !ok { badTimer() } } func (t *timer) assignBucket() *timersBucket { // 和M相关的 id := uint8(getg().m.p.ptr().id) % timersLen t.tb = &timers[id].timersBucket return t.tb } func (tb *timersBucket) addtimerLocked(t *timer) bool { // when must never be negative; otherwise timerproc will overflow // during its delta calculation and never expire other runtime timers. if t.when < 0 { t.when = 1<<63 - 1 } t.i = len(tb.t) tb.t = append(tb.t, t) if !siftupTimer(tb.t, t.i) { return false } if t.i == 0 { // 以下状态由timerproc更新 // siftup moved to top: new earliest deadline. if tb.sleeping && tb.sleepUntil > t.when { tb.sleeping = false notewakeup(&tb.waitnote) } if tb.rescheduling { tb.rescheduling = false goready(tb.gp, 0) } if !tb.created { // 初次使用timerBucket,触发对应timerproc tb.created = true go timerproc(tb) } } return true }

    — siftupTimer

    func siftupTimer(t []*timer, i int) bool { if i >= len(t) { return false } when := t[i].when tmp := t[i] for i > 0 { p := (i - 1) / 4 // parent if when >= t[p].when { break } t[i] = t[p] t[i].i = i i = p } if tmp != t[i] { t[i] = tmp t[i].i = i } return true }


    — 删除元素


    func (tb *timersBucket) deltimerLocked(t *timer) (removed, ok bool) { // t may not be registered anymore and may have // a bogus i (typically 0, if generated by Go). // Verify it before proceeding. i := t.i last := len(tb.t) - 1 if i < 0 || i > last || tb.t[i] != t { return false, true } if i != last { tb.t[i] = tb.t[last] tb.t[i].i = i } tb.t[last] = nil tb.t = tb.t[:last] ok = true // i对应的是原堆中最后一个元素 if i != last { if !siftupTimer(tb.t, i) { ok = false } if !siftdownTimer(tb.t, i) { ok = false } } return true, ok }

    — siftupTimer & siftdownTimer




    func siftdownTimer(t []*timer, i int) bool { n := len(t) if i >= n { return false } when := t[i].when tmp := t[i] for { c := i*4 + 1 // left child c3 := c + 2 // mid child if c >= n { break } w := t[c].when if c+1 < n && t[c+1].when < w { w = t[c+1].when c++ } if c3 < n { w3 := t[c3].when if c3+1 < n && t[c3+1].when < w3 { w3 = t[c3+1].when c3++ } if w3 < w { w = w3 c = c3 } } if w >= when { break } t[i] = t[c] t[i].i = i i = c } if tmp != t[i] { t[i] = tmp t[i].i = i } return true }


    每一个timerBucket会有一个单独的timer goroutine来维护,所以并不是每一个timer对应一个goroutine;

    waiting:无timer,timer goroutine置入waiting状态,等待重新调度;

    sleeping(挂起):有timer等待触发但不是现在,timer goroutine进入短暂挂起;

    // 时间堆结构 -- 由单独的timerproc协程维护 type timersBucket struct { lock mutex // 当前timerproc执行goroutine gp *g // timer goroutine:是否已启动 created bool // timer goroutine:是否挂起 sleeping bool // timer goroutine:是否需要重新调度(goready) rescheduling bool // timer goroutine:挂起结束时间 sleepUntil int64 // timer goroutine:挂起/唤醒 状态量(默认note_cleared) waitnote note t []*timer }

    noteclear/ notetsleepg / notewakeup 底层原理和gopark/goready一致,只是notetsleepg支持定时唤醒;


    所有timer由golang底层统一管理;底层数据结构为4叉小顶堆(时间堆),利用了"最小堆"的某些特性,以牺牲精度为代价,降低了维护的时间复杂度(O(log4N);时间堆的数量固定为64,每一个时间堆对应一个goroutine(timer goroutine);并发性能优化:timer goroutine只在必要时执行,混存优化等;




    (多级)时间轮算法(linux内核,https://blog.csdn.net/zhanglh046/article/details/72833172)红黑树(nginx, https://www.cnblogs.com/doop-ymc/p/3440316.html)