【英语学习】【English L06】U02 Food L2 Salad dressings

    xiaoxiao2022-07-02  112


    Word Preparationtake one's order:为...点餐garden salad:田园沙拉;蔬菜沙拉dressing:调料a mix of:混合mayonnaise:蛋黄酱 Grammarbe made of 和 be made from的区别

    Word Preparation

    take one’s order:为…点餐

    The waiter should come by soon and take our order. 服务员很快就会来为我们点餐。

    The wait who took our order was very polite. 为我们点餐的服务员非常礼貌。

    garden salad:田园沙拉;蔬菜沙拉

    Let’s order the garden salad as an appetizer. 我们点田园沙拉作开胃菜吧。

    How many kinds of vegetables are in the garden salad? 田园沙拉里有多少种蔬菜?


    a liquid mixture, often containing oil, vinegar, and herbs, which is added to food, especially salads. Italian dressing is my favorite kind of dressing. 意式调味酱是我最喜欢的一种调料。

    There are many different kinds of dressings you can put on your salad. 你可以往沙拉上放很多种调料。

    a mix of:混合

    Cindy likes to make a salad with a mix of colorful tomatoes. Cindy喜欢用各种颜色的西红柿来做沙拉。 This dressing is a mix of oil, lemon, and vinegar. 这种调料是油,柠檬,和醋的混合物。


    英/meɪəˈneɪz/美/meɪəˈneɪz/ : a thick creamy sauce made from oil, vinegar, and the yellow part of eggs, which is usually eaten cold I never put mayonnaise on my sandwiches. 我从来不在三明治里放蛋黄酱。

    Henry likes to eat his burgers with mayonnaise and ketchup. Henry吃汉堡时喜欢放蛋黄酱和番茄酱。


    be made of 和 be made from的区别

    be made of 表示 由…制成的,基本上能看出来原料。 be made from 表示 从…里提取制成的,基本上看不出来原料的样子了。

    The beautiful kite flying in the sky is made of paper.Emma’s bracelet is made of gold.My little daughter doesn’t know that paper is made from wood.