
    xiaoxiao2022-07-02  111


    bool CGrabHeaderFilesDlg::CopyCorresSuffixFile(const std::string& strOriPath, const std::string& strNewSuffix, const std::string& strSavePath) { //原来的目录下对应的后缀的文件名 std::string strCorresOriPath = CStdStr::ReplaceSuffix(strOriPath, strNewSuffix); if (!CStdFile::IfAccessFile(strCorresOriPath)) { return false; } std::string strSavePathT(strSavePath); std::string strSaveDir = CStdStr::GetDirOfFile(strSavePathT); strSavePathT = CStdStr::ReplaceSuffix(strSavePathT, strNewSuffix); //复制文件到目标目录,重复的时候自动重命名 int nNum = 0; if (CStdFile::IfAccessFile(strSavePathT) && !CStdFile::CompareFileDistinct(strCorresOriPath, strSavePathT)) { do { ++nNum; strSavePathT = CStdStr::AddSlashIfNeeded(strSaveDir) + CStdStr::GetNameOfFile(strCorresOriPath, false) + CStdTpl::ConvertToString(nNum) + CStdStr::GetSuffixOfFile(strCorresOriPath); } while (CStdFile::IfAccessFile(strSavePathT)); } return CStdFile::CopyAFile(strCorresOriPath, strSavePathT, true); } bool CGrabHeaderFilesDlg::GetIncludeInfo(const std::string& strLine, std::string& strInfo) { std::string strFlag = "#include"; size_t pos = strLine.find(strFlag); if (pos == std::string::npos) { return false; } std::string strSub = strLine.substr(pos + strFlag.length()); if (strSub.length() == 0) { return false; } char sep = strSub[0]; if (sep != '<' && sep != '\"') { return false; } size_t pos_o = std::string::npos; if (sep == '<') { pos_o = strSub.find('>', 1); } else if (sep == '\"') { pos_o = strSub.find('\"', 1); } if (pos_o == std::string::npos) { return false; } strInfo = strSub.substr(1, pos_o - pos - 1); return true; } //检查是否存在同名但是内容不同的文件 bool CGrabHeaderFilesDlg::IfSameNameButNotSameContent(std::vector<std::string> vFilePaths) { size_t nFileNum = vFilePaths.size(); std::map<std::string, std::wstring> mSha1Path; TCHAR* szReport = nullptr; const size_t nSize = 256; CStdTpl::NewSafely(szReport, nSize, true); CSHA1 sha1; for (size_t i = 0; i < nFileNum; ++i) { std::string strCurFile = vFilePaths[i]; sha1.Reset(); sha1.HashFile(CStdStr::s2ws(strCurFile).c_str()); // Hash in the contents of the file sha1.Final(); memset(szReport, 0, nSize * sizeof(TCHAR)); sha1.ReportHash(szReport, CSHA1::REPORT_HEX_SHORT); // Get final hash as //如果在map中已经存在同名的文件,但是sha1的值不同,则返回false std::string strCurName = CStdStr::GetNameOfFile(strCurFile); std::map<std::string, std::wstring>::iterator it = mSha1Path.find(strCurName); if (it != mSha1Path.end()) { //找到同名的文件,如果hash值不同,则返回false if (_tcscmp(it->second.c_str(), szReport) != 0) { CStdTpl::DelPointerSafely(szReport, true); return true; } } mSha1Path.insert(std::make_pair(strCurName, szReport)); } CStdTpl::DelPointerSafely(szReport, true); return false; } int CGrabHeaderFilesDlg::GrabAllHeadFiles(const std::string& strSrcFilesdDir, const std::string& strFilesInputDir) { std::vector<std::string> vFiles; size_t nFileNumInput = getFiles(strFilesInputDir, vFiles, _conf.vSuffixs); //检测strFilesInputDir文件夹中是否存在同名但是内容不同的文件,如果存在则返回 if (IfSameNameButNotSameContent(vFiles)) { CString strTmp[2]; strTmp[0].LoadString(IDS_STRINGSAMENAMENOTSAMECONTENT); strTmp[1].LoadString(IDS_STRING_TIPS); MessageBox(strTmp[0], strTmp[1], MB_ICONINFORMATION); return -1; } //创建目标文件夹 std::string strSaveDir = CStdStr::AddSlashIfNeeded(strSrcFilesdDir) + "autumoon"; if (_access(strSaveDir.c_str(), 0) != 0 && CStdDir::CreateDir(strSaveDir) == false) { return -1; } size_t nDstFileSize = 0, nCurDstFileSize = 0; for(;;) { GrabHeadFiles(strSrcFilesdDir, strFilesInputDir); std::vector<std::string> vFiles; nCurDstFileSize = getFiles(strSaveDir, vFiles, _conf.vSuffixs); if (nCurDstFileSize != nDstFileSize) { nDstFileSize = nCurDstFileSize; } else { break; } } return 0; } int CGrabHeaderFilesDlg::GrabHeadFiles(const std::string& strSrcFilesdDir, const std::string& strFilesInputDir) { std::string strSaveDir = CStdStr::AddSlashIfNeeded(strSrcFilesdDir) + "autumoon"; std::map<std::string, std::string> mFilesNeed; std::vector<std::string> vFilesRead, vContentInFile; size_t nFileNum = getFiles(strSrcFilesdDir, vFilesRead, _conf.vSuffixs); for (size_t i = 0; i < nFileNum; ++i) { const std::string& strCurFile = vFilesRead[i]; vContentInFile.clear(); size_t nLines = CStdFile::ParseTXTFile(strCurFile, vContentInFile); for (size_t line = 0; line < nLines; ++line) { //对每一行进行判断,如果存在#include 则取其后面的文件 std::string sLine = vContentInFile[line]; sLine = CStdStr::Trim(sLine); sLine = CStdStr::ReplaceAllDistinct(sLine, "\t",""); sLine = CStdStr::ReplaceAllDistinct(sLine, " ",""); //寻找<>或者""中的内容,需要考虑相对路径,绝对路径,以及只有文件名 size_t pos = sLine.find("#include"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { //此时可能存在需要包含的文件 std::string strInfo; if (GetIncludeInfo(sLine, strInfo)) { strInfo = CStdStr::RepalceAll(strInfo, "/", "\\"); strInfo = CStdStr::RepalceAll(strInfo, "..\\", ""); strInfo = CStdStr::RepalceAll(strInfo, ".\\", ""); mFilesNeed.insert(std::make_pair(strInfo, sLine)); } } } } //对于vFilesNeed中的每一个info,在目标文件中遍历寻找 std::vector<std::string> vFilesInput; size_t nInputNum = getFiles(strFilesInputDir, vFilesInput, _conf.vSuffixs); size_t nNeedNum = mFilesNeed.size(); size_t nSpecNum = _conf.vSuffixs.size(); for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = mFilesNeed.begin(); it != mFilesNeed.end(); ++it) { std::string strCurInfo = CStdStr::ToUpperLower(it->first); for (size_t j = 0; j < nInputNum; ++j) { std::string strCurFile = CStdStr::ToUpperLower(vFilesInput[j]); //文件名必须相同并且相对路径必须相同或者绝对路径必须相同 size_t pos = strCurFile.find(strCurInfo); if (CStdStr::GetNameOfFile(strCurFile) == CStdStr::GetNameOfFile(strCurInfo) && pos != std::string::npos) { std::string strTest = strCurFile.substr(pos); if (strTest == strCurInfo) { //则该文件是需要的文件 std::string strSavePath = CStdStr::AddSlashIfNeeded(strSaveDir) + vFilesInput[j].substr(pos); //复制文件到目标目录,重复的时候自动重命名 int nNum = 0; if (CStdFile::IfAccessFile(strSavePath) && !CStdFile::CompareFileDistinct(strCurFile, strSavePath)) { do { ++nNum; strSavePath = CStdStr::AddSlashIfNeeded(strSaveDir) + CStdStr::GetNameOfFile(strCurFile, false) + CStdTpl::ConvertToString(nNum) + CStdStr::GetSuffixOfFile(strCurFile); } while (CStdFile::IfAccessFile(strSavePath)); } CStdFile::CopyAFile(strCurFile, strSavePath, true); //如果存在对应的cpp文件,或者c文件,则一并拷贝 if (_conf.bNeedCppFile) { for (size_t p = 0; p < nSpecNum; ++p) { std::string strCurSpec = _conf.vSuffixs[p]; size_t ppos = strCurSpec.find('.'); if (ppos != std::string::npos) { strCurSpec = strCurSpec.substr(ppos); CopyCorresSuffixFile(strCurFile, strCurSpec.c_str(), strSavePath); } } } } } } } return 0; }

