在使用jsx之前我们需要安装一个babel插件(babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx )
npm install\ babel-plugin-syntax-jsx\ babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx\ babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props\ babel-preset-es2015\ --save-dev然后再.babelrc里面添加:
{ "presets": ["es2015"], "plugins": ["transform-vue-jsx"] }接着我们就可以愉快地在vue里面编写jsx了。
<script> export default { props: ['onClick', 'isShow'], data() { return { test: 123 }; }, render() { return ( <div class="test" onClick={ this.onClick }> { this.test } { this.isShow + '' } </div> ); } } </script>可以看到我们把jsx写在了render方法里面,render方法是vue2.0才支持的,用来提供对虚拟DOM的支持,也就是说只有vue2.0才支持jsx语法转换。
一下是一段覆盖大部分语法的vue jsx代码:
render (h) { return ( <div // normal attributes or component props. id="foo" // DOM properties are prefixed with `domProps` domPropsInnerHTML="bar" // event listeners are prefixed with `on` or `nativeOn` onClick={this.clickHandler} nativeOnClick={this.nativeClickHandler} // other special top-level properties class={{ foo: true, bar: false }} style={{ color: 'red', fontSize: '14px' }} key="key" ref="ref" // assign the `ref` is used on elements/components with v-for refInFor slot="slot"> </div> ) }可以看到DOM属性要加domProps前缀,但这里lass和style却不需要,因为这两个是特殊的模块,而且react的class用的是className,vue却用的class。事件监听是以“on”或者“nativeOn”为开始。
render (h) { return h('div', { // Component props props: { msg: 'hi' }, // normal HTML attributes attrs: { id: 'foo' }, // DOM props domProps: { innerHTML: 'bar' }, // Event handlers are nested under "on", though // modifiers such as in v-on:keyup.enter are not // supported. You'll have to manually check the // keyCode in the handler instead. on: { click: this.clickHandler }, // For components only. Allows you to listen to // native events, rather than events emitted from // the component using vm.$emit. nativeOn: { click: this.nativeClickHandler }, // class is a special module, same API as `v-bind:class` class: { foo: true, bar: false }, // style is also same as `v-bind:style` style: { color: 'red', fontSize: '14px' }, // other special top-level properties key: 'key', ref: 'ref', // assign the `ref` is used on elements/components with v-for refInFor: true, slot: 'slot' }) }这也意味着两种形式的组件是可以相互引用的。
<template> <div class="wrapper"> <Test :on-click="clickHandler" :is-show="show"></Test> </div> </template> <script> import Test from './Test.vue'; export default { name: 'hello', components: { Test }, data() { return { msg: 'Welcome to Your Vue.js App', show: true }; }, methods: { clickHandler(){ this.show = !this.show; } } }; </script>2.在jsx里面引入vue模版组件,这里没有什么要注意的,除了连接符式的属性要转换成驼峰式,还有一个需要注意的是指令,如果用了jsx,那么内置的指令都不会生效(除了v-show),好在内置指令大部分都可以用jsx描述。那么自定义指令要怎么用呢?
自定义指令可以使用“v-name={value}”语法,如果要支持指令参数和modifier可以用“v-name={{ value, modifier: true }}”语法:
<script> import Vue from 'vue'; Vue.directive('my-bold', { inserted: function (el) { el.style.fontWeight = 900; } }) export default { props: ['onClick', 'isShow'], data() { return { test: 123 }; }, methods: { afterLeave() { console.log('afterLeave') } }, render() { const directives = [ { name: 'my-bold', value: 666, modifiers: { abc: true } } ]; return ( <transition onAfterLeave={this.afterLeave} name="fade"> <div class="test" onClick={this.onClick} v-show={ this.isShow } v-my-bold> {this.test} {this.isShow + ''} </div> </transition> ); } } </script> <style> .fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active { transition: opacity .5s } .fade-enter, .fade-leave-to { opacity: 0 } </style>我们还可以用原生vnode的数据格式使用自定义指令:
const directives = [ { name: 'my-dir', value: 123, modifiers: { abc: true } } ] return <div {...{ directives }}/>扩展