
    xiaoxiao2021-04-15  336


    function R=gray2rgb(img1,img2) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This Program converts a gray image ro RGB image based on the colors of the destination image. The better the destination image match with the source gray image, the better the coloring will be. The program takes some time as the searching time is high. You can decrease the searching time by taking only samples from the used color image but quality may decrease. U can use jittered sampling for improving running speed. % % You can use also use the attahed test images, Use the following combinations for better result nature1.jpg(as img1) and nature2.jpg(as img2) or test1.jpg(as img1) and test2.jpg (as img2) % % Usage: gray2rgb('nature1.jpg','nature2.jpg'); % % Authors : Jeny Rajan , Chandrashekar P.S % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % img1 - Source Image (gray image) % img2 - Selected color image for coloring the gray image. tic clc; warning off; imt=imread(img1); ims=imread(img2); [sx sy sz]=size(imt); [tx ty tz]=size(ims); if sz~=1 imt=rgb2gray(imt); end if tz~=3 disp ('img2 must be a color image (not indexed)'); else imt(:,:,2)=imt(:,:,1); imt(:,:,3)=imt(:,:,1); % Converting to ycbcr color space nspace1=rgb2ycbcr(ims); nspace2= rgb2ycbcr(imt); ms=double(nspace1(:,:,1)); mt=double(nspace2(:,:,1)); m1=max(max(ms)); m2=min(min(ms)); m3=max(max(mt)); m4=min(min(mt)); d1=m1-m2; d2=m3-m4; % Normalization dx1=ms; dx2=mt; dx1=(dx1*255)/(255-d1); dx2=(dx2*255)/(255-d2); [mx,my,mz]=size(dx2); %Luminance Comparison disp('Please wait..................'); for i=1:mx for j=1:my iy=dx2(i,j); tmp=abs(dx1-iy); ck=min(min(tmp)); [r,c] = find(tmp==ck); ck=isempty(r); if (ck~=1) nimage(i,j,2)=nspace1(r(1),c(1),2); nimage(i,j,3)=nspace1(r(1),c(1),3); nimage(i,j,1)=nspace2(i,j,1); end end end rslt=ycbcr2rgb(nimage) figure,imshow(uint8(imt)); figure,imshow(uint8(rslt)); R=uint8(rslt); toc end

    少年不被楼层误,余生不羁尽自由。 加油,加油!
